Active Member
125 gallon reef w/ 40 gallon sump, 175lbs lr, 120lbs, ls
3 yellow tangs
4 Green chromis
six line wrasse
lawnmower blenny
diamond sleeper goby
gold stripe maroon
Astrea, Turbo, Nass Snails
Blue and Scarlet leg hermts
2 Cleaner Shrimp
Fire shrimp
Emerald crab?(he's been mia)
Mushrooms: Green striped, blue, purple, red, brown frilly
Zoos: Green, Green and brown, Orange and Green, Purple and Green
Other: Green star polyps, Yellow polyps, Cloves polyps, Pulsating Xenia
Leathers: Green Devil's Hand, Toadstool, Finger Leather
LPS: 5"x6" Candy cane, Frogspawn, Rose Hammer Coral
SPS: Acropora, Montipora Capricornis
Maxima Clam

3 yellow tangs
4 Green chromis
six line wrasse
lawnmower blenny
diamond sleeper goby
gold stripe maroon
Astrea, Turbo, Nass Snails
Blue and Scarlet leg hermts
2 Cleaner Shrimp
Fire shrimp
Emerald crab?(he's been mia)
Mushrooms: Green striped, blue, purple, red, brown frilly
Zoos: Green, Green and brown, Orange and Green, Purple and Green
Other: Green star polyps, Yellow polyps, Cloves polyps, Pulsating Xenia
Leathers: Green Devil's Hand, Toadstool, Finger Leather
LPS: 5"x6" Candy cane, Frogspawn, Rose Hammer Coral
SPS: Acropora, Montipora Capricornis
Maxima Clam