Everything Dead


The tank does have an auto topoff...but if it overflowed, I think I would have noticed a big water issue around the tank. I did a water change sunday, I left thursday evening. The only thing I did thursday evening was load the auto feeder. That had the appropriate amount in it when I returned. All components with the exception of the one power head as mentioned previously are functioning properly. Temperature was where it was when I left. But you are right I can't rule it out as of right now. I will try some scenarios with it when I return home.


sequence and mag pumps...wouldn't stray voltage have been taken care of by my grounding probe? I mentioned I had one in the earlier posts.


this is part of the reason I get frustrated...if you have read the post you would have known that it is plugged into a gfi outlet...so to answer your question...yes it is plugged in and the probe is grounded to its own ground in the house.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stimpy4242
this is part of the reason I get frustrated...if you have read the post you would have known that it is plugged into a gfi outlet...so to answer your question...yes it is plugged in and the probe is grounded to its own ground in the house.
hehe, hey, hey.. settle down.. You know based on my other posts I've been reading. I just didn't catch that fact.
The GFI should have immediately popped at any stray voltage, and the grounding plug should have kept the fish safe as well so I think we can rule out electricity.
No mess on the floor seems to rule out an overflow from your auto top off, and the other tanks being fine seems to rule out a power outage (plus your timers would have all been messed up from a power outage, microwave clock off, etc.)
If all of your powerheads were covered with sponges then the heater seems like the worst culprit. I'm not familair with the heater, does it heat well enough to cook the whole tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
-some sort of obvious fish issue, like (just a thought) a dead cowfish or sea apple, resulting in massive fish death, ammonia, and death of other things
-several significant changes in lighting for anemone caused stress and death...you mentioned you saw declines in your corals
To to start an Overstock flame on myself...
I had the power go out for two days before when I was on vaction...Sea Apple didnt like it...Nuked the tank..When I got home everything was dead except, Volitan Lion, Condi, Yellow Tang..Rather suprised they made it..Not that I really have a point but I saw you say something about a sea apple so I had to add my .02..Anem. without lighting that are healty can sustain that length without light..The PH were covered, Heater...maybe..No added rock that wasnt cured..Also..why would you keep excepting lights from Solaris if they keep going out..When the 1st went out and they sent another that would be fine, but after it went out...That would be it for me..Just a question I know they are supposed to be "The best new thing". But if they dont work the way they are supposed to why would you risk keep using them..Keep in mind I am not flaming in any way...Just curious as to why...Good Luck on the rebuild..


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Also..why would you keep excepting lights from Solaris if they keep going out..When the 1st went out and they sent another that would be fine, but after it went out...That would be it for me..Just a question I know they are supposed to be "The best new thing". But if they dont work the way they are supposed to why would you risk keep using them..Keep in mind I am not flaming in any way...Just curious as to why...Good Luck on the rebuild..
Glutton for punishment...no I think that in theory they are going to be awesome when they work...for those who have the model, they reported excellent results. Also the 0 heat transfer is nice as well...plus they are 40% more efficient...big deal with electricity high costs...i will double check the heater...i still have not had a chance to be home to check it. Thanks for your concerns.


As posted, an anenome wont die w/o light in 5 days, think about all the shipping that takes place with them, doubt the airplanes have MH's set up in the cargo holds, lol.
SO no heat on in your house, set at 58? IS tank in basement? Is the heater working now? You said it was still at 80 when you got back home, maybe keep an eye on it and see it its getting stuck... on or off... if it got stuck off for even 8-12 hours with that cold of a house, the temp flux would probably kill something & without you there to clean up it may have started a chain reaction... JMO...
Would the lights being off that long mess up the PH and that started it??


I want to thank everyone for their feedback about my situation. I also want to apologize for snapping at certain people. The loss of my entire tank combined with some people's sarcasm and lack of reading the entire post made me even more frustrated. I will investigate my heater, but I guess I will really never know. Thanks again. I will post pics under my other post about my new 125 reef tank. Time to work overtime...


Active Member
Stimpy. I have been following this thread from the beginning and I understand your frustration. I agree with you in that I don't think we ever will know the true cause.
I hope you get things worked out with the lights as they are amazing. I know a guy that has them and they are incredible. I know they can be set to follow a calendar year lighting schedule as far as summer solstice and shorter winter days etc... They can also simulate cloud movements by turning off and on different banks. Incredible.
Best of Luck on you rebuilding!!!


Sorry about your loss. I had a similar experience several years ago. Only took 1 day. I had a beautiful nudibranch kick off one morning after I left for work. Came home in the afternoon, water was like milk, everything was dead. Nudi's have lots of nasty toxins in them. Any chance thats what happened to you? Once the cascade starts, not much that will help except a massive water change if you catch it in time.


I am not even going to entertain the last two posts...how many times do i or even we at this point need to say READ THE THREAD. Those questions have been answered many times! The power outage has been beaten to death....yes I realize that a death of an animal such as a nudibranch or anemone or mushroom releases major toxins in the water...as almost originally stated that is what I think happened...please people read the freaking threads before posting comments..it will save wasted space and people like me who are frustrated yelling at you for wasting my time and my effort to read your post that only reiterated what I have already said or others have offered.
PLEASE NO MORE RESPONSES ON THE SUBJECT. I have enought to go on from here.