evrythingh in my tank is dead :(


New Member
so I walk into my bedroom today and everything in the tank is dead :(
i dont know what happened
i have a 30g, its been set up for about a year and a half. with no casualties ( besides some pepperment shrimp that were eatin by the cardinal)
2 clowns
2 damsels (i really lucked out with these two they were so friendly)
a banggi cardinal
cleaner shrimp
my manitinace has been lacking past couple of months, last time i cleaned the tank was 3 weeks ago( but in the past it has gone longer). the problem is my parents are seperated so i spend one week at dads, on at moms with the fish. She feeds them and occasionally when its really dirty will clean the tank. My tank is covered in hair algea and i noticed a tiny bit of cyno on the sand today.
first thing i did was my nitrates levals ( the only testing kit i have remaning) they were at 0
the most alarming thing about the tank is everything died! worms crawled to the surface to die :( crabs that i didnt even knew existed were dead on top of rocks! the creepiest thing was a two foot long bobbit worm( at least i think it is a bobbit worm) wraped dead around a rock. all the fish are coated in a white silky (looking) substance.
there are only two living things in the tank ( that i see), a hermit crab that was out of its shell, its has now crawled back into its shell, and a snail ( one of those ones that wait in the sand) crawling up the side of the tank ( as if trying to escape)
what frustrates me the most is i dont know what i did wrong, it happened so sudden.
i think it might be eletrical, because evrything is dead. What else could kill everything in my tank?

scott t

Active Member
Welcome to the Boards and sorry to hear about your tank, that really sucks.. I have to agree with Meowzer, Did something get in the tank that should not have, or did someone put something in the tank?


Active Member
Electrical or overheated maybe. That would be the only ting I could come up with. I think if it was poisoned, everything would have passed.


New Member
lol i spelled "everything" wrong
temperature was 77 a little lower than normal, but i dont think thats low enough to kill anything
i dont think it would be poisoned, i didnt put anything in there. Mom says she hasnt ether.
how would i check if it was electrical?
sigh* i guess its time to clean it up :(

tangs rule

Active Member
How long since you saw the tank last?
You mention spending time away from it for periods, one week with it, the next away. If it's been a week since you last saw it, what could have happened is something died, caused an ammonia spike, killing off more things, causing more ammonia, wiping out the tank. Basically a crash. It happens with reef tanks and it only takes a couple days once things start dying.
Air fresheners or cleaning solutions are also a possible culprit. The chemicals in them can kill off a tank pretty quick too. Other causes could be equipment failure/electrical. possible heater runaway (where the heater stays on all the time and never goes out - cooking the tank)
Best I can think of.......Welcome to the site/boards! sorry it's under these circumstances