exactly what i need for reef?


What do i need EXACTLY to start a reef tank.
I'm going to use either a 55 or 110 gallon.
I've many things about lights (mostly expensive ideas)
I know i need a protein skimer, some sort of filter, sand, live rock, etc. mostly im concerned about the protein skimmer (setting it up cuz i dont have pre-drilled holes) and the lights... i want live rock all sorts of corals and anenomes... what light would be best, and how many watts per gallon is suitable.. i heard 1.5 watts a gallon... any thoughts or suggestions???

bang guy

There is no exact formula. The best you can do for a formula is find someone's tank that you would like to emulate and follow their formula.
1.5 watts per gallon is a good freshwater amount where fish like it dark. 6 - 10 watts per gallon is more like what a reef tank would like.


When I first set up my reef, I had a friend who had lots of experience with marine tanks. But the best help I got was from books. I suggest you read, read and read some more. Barnes & Noble has tons of books on the subject, and it also gives you a chance to study the ideas and plan them out first. I've had very little problems because I had so little confidence that I stuck to the rules like the ten comandments...and it paid off. Not trying to preach here, just a suggestion....



Originally posted by zemuro114
What do i need EXACTLY to start a reef tank.
I'm going to use either a 55 or 110 gallon.
I've many things about lights (mostly expensive ideas)
I know i need a protein skimer, some sort of filter, sand, live rock, etc. mostly im concerned about the protein skimmer (setting it up cuz i dont have pre-drilled holes) and the lights... i want live rock all sorts of corals and anenomes... what light would be best, and how many watts per gallon is suitable.. i heard 1.5 watts a gallon... any thoughts or suggestions???

Patience and good resources...


Active Member
id also recomend, reading books, reasearching, and taking your time.. time pays off for you real well in this hobby. its ok if your tank dont have predrilled holes.. you can always use hang on equipment, or get a hang on overflow.
id also recomend not skimping out on the lighting and skimmer.. not skimping on anything really.. its hard sometimes forking over big bucks for things, but its better to get the good now, then get the bad, find out you dont like it, then go buy the good, and end up paying more in the long run.
if you havent got the tank,, and you have the room for the 110, id go with that,, it will cost a more.. but if you get the 55, you will want a larger tank not long after you set up the 55. larger tanks are more stable, and allow a little more room for error.