
thanks for the replies, i have about 200lbs of live rock also, but i guess i might just go with my other choice which would be a sailfin tang. thanks again.


Active Member
I have kept the same CB and Flame together now for years in a 150g reef. I think if you have that much rock and a healthy system then its worth the gamble.


Originally Posted by Pontius
where are all these bad stories? I've been on this site for over 3 years and I've seen about 10 good experiences with multiple angels for every 1 bad story. I've had at least 3 angels at a time almost from the time that I've been keeping sw fish, and they've never been a problem. in fact, if I wanted a 4th angel, I wouldn't hesitate to add one because the 5 different kinds I've kept so far are completely peaceful.
People will come on here and brag about good experiances. However if yuo were told time and time again not to do something and then you did it and it failed miserably then you arn't going to go and tell the whole world. And agin I repeat DON'T DO IT!
P.S. sorry for bad grammer /spelling.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
People will come on here and brag about good experiances. However if yuo were told time and time again not to do something and then you did it and it failed miserably then you arn't going to go and tell the whole world. And agin I repeat DON'T DO IT!
P.S. sorry for bad grammer /spelling.
I've got 3 angels in a 180 and have never had the first problem. how do you explain that?
read through this entire thread and you'll see 2 types of respondents: 1. those who have kept multiple angels successfully and 2. those who never have but keep saying "don't do it! don't do it!" like a broken record. there hasn't been one single response in this whole thread where someone said they had problems keeping more than one angel in a reasonably sized tank.
I predict the original poster will have no problems whatsoever in keeping 2 dwarf angels in a 125. there are several posters, including myself, who have done it. so again, where are all these bad experiences that you keep talking about?


Well, there must be a reason this site has an alert on all of their angelfish. If you're willing to risk the health of your fish, then go ahead and try it. Nobody can know for sure what the fish will do, it's a risk I'm not willing to take.


Originally Posted by joojoo
Well, there must be a reason this site has an alert on all of their angelfish. If you're willing to risk the health of your fish, then go ahead and try it. Nobody can know for sure what the fish will do, it's a risk I'm not willing to take.
best post in the thread, imo.


Originally Posted by Pontius
I've got 3 angels in a 180 and have never had the first problem. how do you explain that?
read through this entire thread and you'll see 2 types of respondents: 1. those who have kept multiple angels successfully and 2. those who never have but keep saying "don't do it! don't do it!" like a broken record. there hasn't been one single response in this whole thread where someone said they had problems keeping more than one angel in a reasonably sized tank.
I predict the original poster will have no problems whatsoever in keeping 2 dwarf angels in a 125. there are several posters, including myself, who have done it. so again, where are all these bad experiences that you keep talking about?
You don't see the point. No one is going to say they did something bad! "where are all these bad experiences that you keep talking about?" answer: there in peoples minds. THEY WON'T TELL BAD STORIEs. Also it's not a gaurantee that they will fight but there's a 95% chance they will.


Active Member
MS asked for people that had experiance keeping the two species together....
Many have had success doing this and obvously have done it right...
Dont get mad at us because we have had success...
If you have NOT had success doing this then perhaps you did not do it right or just had bad luck ect. Im not saying to do it or not.
It has been MY '' experiance '' that one can keep these species together for at least 5 years so far and thats what im saying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
MS asked for people that had experiance keeping the two species together....
Many have had success doing this and obvously have done it right...
Dont get mad at us because we have had success...
If you have NOT had success doing this then perhaps you did not do it right or just had bad luck ect. Im not saying to do it or not.
It has been MY '' experiance '' that one can keep these species together for at least 5 years so far and thats what im saying.
bravo, THAT is the best post in this thread. the respondents with experience with multiple angels report no problems. the naysayers are the ones that don't even have experience trying with multiple angels.
it's not like anyone is saying to throw 2 or 3 angels into a 35 gallon. but to say that the original poster WILL have problems out of 2 dwarf angels in a 125 gallon is absolutely ludacrous. that's over 60 gallons for each angel, and they actually only need about 30 gallon each.


dogstar and pontius, i don't mean to sound like i'm mad at you for successfully keeping these fish together. that is certainly not the case. it's just that if a possibly new aquarist is asking whether he/she can keep two dwarf angels in a 125, i will tell this person that there is a possibility of some hostility. i've seen pygmy angels fight to the death(but not in a 6foot tank). in a tank of this size, there are just so many more conscientious options.
btw, i believe ms752 left this thread awhile ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
in a tank of this size, there are just so many more conscientious options.

which is your opinion. but is your opinion based on any kind of experience, or just based off something you read in a book? because my opinion AND experience says that he will most likely not have any problems with 2 dwarfs in a 125. and I don't agree that there are 'so many more conscientious options' because I feel the dwarf angels are some of the best/hardiest/colorful/peaceful fish that an aquarist can keep.
Originally Posted by Pontius
I've got 3 angels in a 180 and have never had the first problem. how do you explain that?
read through this entire thread and you'll see 2 types of respondents: 1. those who have kept multiple angels successfully and 2. those who never have but keep saying "don't do it! don't do it!" like a broken record. there hasn't been one single response in this whole thread where someone said they had problems keeping more than one angel in a reasonably sized tank.
I predict the original poster will have no problems whatsoever in keeping 2 dwarf angels in a 125. there are several posters, including myself, who have done it. so again, where are all these bad experiences that you keep talking about?

Well you want your don't do it; I DID IT PERSON!!! I am here. I Have a 125 that had a coral beauty in it for about 3 months before I put the flame in. It lasted till the lights went out. The coral beauty tore it up. I put it in my Qt but will no luck. It was swimming side ways and everything else. I didn't have quite as much rock as you have but close. My oppinion is there is always luck and calm fish but I was told not to take the chance and I will tell you like they told me "they problably won't get along so why take the chance at losing a $40 fish if there is something else you like"! By the way they where both the same size; no one was king-kong...lol!


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
Thanks for helping the cause justfishings, lol

in this thread, that's 1 bad experience vs 4 good experiences. joojoo, you've got several posts in this thread, do you have any experiences with multiple angels, or are you just rehashing what you read in a book?


Active Member
i have a 6ft. 150 gal. tank w/160lbs. of lr in it the lr is in 2 seperate mounds as soon as finances allow (fixed income/fighting cancer and winning) i am willing to try the 2 together already have the cb i think it will work just fine my cb is very peaceful and has been in my tnk approximately 3 months now, if they do fight the flame will just go back problem solved tobin


Originally Posted by Pontius
bravo, THAT is the best post in this thread. the respondents with experience with multiple angels report no problems. the naysayers are the ones that don't even have experience trying with multiple angels.
it's not like anyone is saying to throw 2 or 3 angels into a 35 gallon. but to say that the original poster WILL have problems out of 2 dwarf angels in a 125 gallon is absolutely ludacrous. that's over 60 gallons for each angel, and they actually only need about 30 gallon each.
When did anyone say that they had no experiance? I, personally have no experiance but... my cousin also keeps saltwater fish... and this is how the story goes:
My cousin who lives in miami florida had a 180g tank for 1 year at this stories time time. He decided to get angels knowing the risks. He got a coral beauty and key hole (i think thats the name) both pigmys and exactly the same size. He acclimated them in seperate buckets for 3 hours and then put them in. Next day key hole was dead and coral beauty died within hours... no other tank members were harmed and he had no aggresive fish whatsoever.
Also I have witnessed a LFS turn down a customer who wanted 2 angels for his 90g. Yes this was a LFS talking abotu relatively exspensive fish.
My advice to everyone is don't do it but.... I can't force you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
When did anyone say that they had no experiance? I, personally have no experiance but... my cousin also keeps saltwater fish... and this is how the story goes:
My cousin who lives in miami florida had a 180g tank for 1 year at this stories time time. He decided to get angels knowing the risks. He got a coral beauty and key hole (i think thats the name) both pigmys and exactly the same size. He acclimated them in seperate buckets for 3 hours and then put them in. Next day key hole was dead and coral beauty died within hours... no other tank members were harmed and he had no aggresive fish whatsoever.
Also I have witnessed a LFS turn down a customer who wanted 2 angels for his 90g. Yes this was a LFS talking abotu relatively exspensive fish.
My advice to everyone is don't do it but.... I can't force you.
sounds like your cousin killed them due to water quality or bad acclimation as it is not likely that 2 angels in that size tank are going to kill each other in less than a day. I had a royal gramma that jumped out the first night I brought him home. does that mean no one should keep royal grammas? either way, you didn't say your cousin actually saw them fighting, just that they were both dead the next day. sounds like a problem other than them killing each other.
though I did have my herald and flame in a 55 gallon QT for several months with no problems, I personally wouldn't keep 2 or more angels in a 90 gallon. but it does sound like that LFS is overly anal. but whoever accused most LFS of knowing what they're talking about anyway?