explain this to me.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Ramstein afb costs about 1 billion annually to run. Germany pays us 1 billion annually for our bases. The other bases in country cost as much individually as one FA-22 fighter jet. We don't need to ask permission to use the base. We don't need to pay in foreign aid to use the base as we do in some middle east countries.....germany is central to the entire region.......from a tactical standpoint it would be stupid to close these bases.......be better off closing guantanamo actually.which I would not support either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/thread/386746/explain-this-to-me#post_3398730
No kidding. The temperpedic bed!
I believe in exploration and colonization. As long as it is humans doing those things.
Beth you're too xenophobic, I'm pretty sure theres an constitutional amendment against that, just so we don't upset the REAL illeagle aliens..... the illeagle immigrants however lets pay for their colledge and give them other fringes like food stamps, so they can live on the state and send all the money they make working here in america back to their home countries with out paying any taxes on it. (total sarcasm in case anyone missed it)


Staff member

I have to ask, why?....I am not against Mars studies, I agree that space should be checked out and all, but when you are talking about cutting social security to the old folks who have worked all their lives and are counting on that money to live on, and the handicapped that can't work and depend on SS to pay medical and rent..... It’s time to pull the plug on exploring, and take care of the home front.
Social Security expenditure is the largest expenditure this country has, nearly 20%.
The 3rd largest expenditure is for unemployment and welfare.
Medicare is the 4th largest expenditure, nearly 13%.
Medicaid and other medical assistance to children is the 5th largest expenditure.
Health and Human services is the nations 6th largest expenditure.
NASA represents about .06% of the national expenditures.
It is clear that most of our nation's expenditure goes to social welfare, by far more than anything else we spend money on. I'm not complaining, but some of our money needs to be forward thinking in terms of advancing knowledge and advancing the human condition. As it is, NASA has been cut tremendously since the Obama admin cut the moon projects. This decision will likely put our exploration of man in space back by decades. Let us explore Mars. Someday we will be living there, and exploiting its resources for the benefit of humankind.
Remember what Jesus said......there will always be poor among you.


Staff member

If I were king I would first raise corporate tax to a flat 40%.

Then I would reduce corporate tax by the percentage of US workers hired. If 10% of your workforce are US citizens then your tax is reduced to 36%. If 100% of your workforce is US citizens then the tax rate would be 0%.

I agree with halting the policy of world police. Combining forces with allies is fine to fight a clear and present danger but it certainly would not be through that collection of dictators they call the UN. And unstable oil is an inconvenience, not a clear & present danger.

Guy, run for president won't you pleaz. :t^:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/thread/386746/explain-this-to-me/20#post_3399021
Remember what Jesus said......there will always be poor among you.
especially since being poor in america means they get flat screen tv's and free food, and medical care. sure there are people in worse conditions but I know for a fact that a lot of cities will pay your rent for you.... I currently work as a maintainence man for 250+ apartments. Most in the "poor" sections of town. tjhese poor people always seem to have new clothes, large tv's, computers, videogame systems, and the city paying their rent. meenwhuile I am working two sometimes three jobs to make sure I have what I need. the entire redistribution of wealth system needs to change. if they want money thay can damn well earn it. I'm not saying a mother of 3 kids hasto go it alone, if she is working help her if she wants to sit on her badonkadonk, and get paid to do nothing don't help her. obviouslyt this is only a small part of the problem and no one answer is going to fix how effed up we have let this country get.