Explain where your user name originated


Active Member
I have the same name as a famous character from that wonderful show "Friends". So, I go by his character name. My birhtday and lucky/ favorite number is 4.


Active Member
I signed on one night just to get information and my dog, Scooby Doo (my kids named him), kept nosing my arm because I wasn't paying attention to him. He's a black lab/golden retreiver mix (black with LONG hair). He gets VERY jeolous when I'm on the computer or watching my fish and he'll nose me or knock me over until I pay attention to him!!!


Ready? this one is pretty deep. Lots of thought.
Here it goes
I Drag Race.
See? told ya it was deep and meaningful!!
We have seahorses
seahorses=horse corrals, hitchin' posts
We are from the great state ot Texas :cheer:
TexasRanchers (TR) :jumping:

nemo lover

My name is not that very original- But not bad for a four year old. When I was signing up here. I had my daughter sitting on my lap. I asked her to help me pick a name and of course it was nemo. I asked her why nemo? She said "because I love her". So there ya go nemolover.


I have wanted to set up a SW aquarium for a few years now. My 20 month old daughter saw "Finding Nemo" a couple of months ago and has become obsessed. She wants to see "Meemo" about 6 times a day! She also thinks every fish is Meemo. The fish store is Meemo. Pictures of fish are Meemo. So her obsession with Meemo, and my seeing all the beautiful scenery in it led to my finally starting up a SWA. :happyfish


Staff member
I saw a Saltwaterfish.com ad and emailed admin with some hobby questions. My name is Elizabeth. Adimin answered my email by tell me that this BB was the place to have all my questions answered. He signed me up as "Beth", gave me my password and here I still am! I did change my password. Took a little bit of getting used to be called Beth, but I'm used to it now.


rasnme = I love to ras
ppl and I get lost of ras back
I've had this name for many years now with other sites I go to :)


my name is danny,
i have been called dano by friends for a couple of years
I started calling myself DANO KABLAMO after a while, ya know, KABLAMO!!!!
DANO KABLAMO!!!!!!!!!!!!


My last name is swanson.... everyone with the name swanson instantly recieves the nicname swannie.. my grandfather is a swannie my dad is a swannie, my kids will be swannie's, swannie backwards is einnaws, many people ask "how do you pronounce your name?" i prefer E-in-Naws as in "The E in Naws" (note: i understand there is no E in Naws) :jumping:


ace is what i used to put on games when i beat highscores.....used to own a Z28 till april of this year. Will be getting another one when they come back out in '07


Active Member

Originally posted by Sergeant
This is my rank in the United States ARMY.
82nd Airborne Division. ALL THE WAY!!!

hey!! 2/321 FA 1975-1978... (no longer exists)... hay street still there?


Nero- well, there are two meanings... in japanese, it means "black" but in the bible, it is a creature/monster that eats christians.... i found that out after i used this as my username for everything, hehe. i personally just think it sounds cool...