Explain your AVATAR!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
it was an older avatar that said: Is it 2008 yet?
Now it's just becuase I like Halo 3. That's until I get COD4 though LOL
oh yeah I remember that avitar. I saw a calender of it the other day too, it made me laugh.


Active Member
mines supposed to be a guy walking (i think) but i think i got reversed so he looks like hes moon walking


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
mines supposed to be a guy walking (i think) but i think i got reversed so he looks like hes moon walking
your avatar is the nickelodeon guy!


Active Member
Porscha, our female pastel ball python. She's probably our prettiest ball but Jonas is still my favourite for personality. (I've had him 8 years)


New Member
Mine is out the back of our charted boat on return to the bay in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. We had just finished a full day of sport fishing for sailfish.
We caught three and were best in fleet that day out of about 120 boats.
These three flags represent each fish caught and released. We decided to go catch and release due to fishery level concerns in the area.
It was pretty cool! When we returned to the dock....many of the locals and other sportsman came over and shook our hands for releasing them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mjessu
Mine is out the back of our charted boat on return to the bay in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. We had just finished a full day of sport fishing for sailfish.
We caught three and were best in fleet that day out of about 120 boats.
These three flags represent each fish caught and released. We decided to go catch and release due to fishery level concerns in the area.
It was pretty cool! When we returned to the dock....many of the locals and other sportsman came over and shook our hands for releasing them.
Can you even eat sailfish? I'm glad you released then but I never understood keeping them if you weren't going to eat them. Like tarpon down here, they are almost fished out, and they don't even have any edible meat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
your avatar is the nickelodeon guy!
I dont think it is?, i dont no?, is it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
a pet wallaby? I need to know more!
I got him 3 years ago, he came from Illinois and he was only 2 lbs. He was so tiny. He lived in the house the first year. He slept in a pouch that hung in a big dog kennel. He is potty trained.
Now he lives out doors (better enviornment for him, more room to hop around) and he comes inside to watch movies with me and visit.
He's awesome!!
He loves Doritos.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2
I got him 3 years ago, he came from Illinois and he was only 2 lbs. He was so tiny. He lived in the house the first year. He slept in a pouch that hung in a big dog kennel. He is potty trained.
Now he lives out doors (better enviornment for him, more room to hop around) and he comes inside to watch movies with me and visit.
He's awesome!!
He loves Doritos.
What is his temperment? Is this like a sweet dog, likes everyone, agreeable or what?


New Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Can you even eat sailfish? I'm glad you released then but I never understood keeping them if you weren't going to eat them. Like tarpon down here, they are almost fished out, and they don't even have any edible meat.
They are edible....by the local's standards. It is a darker meat that is pretty strong (rather gaimey.) No thanks.
However, most people who catch them keep them for trophy mounts rather than to eat them. I'm not really into the dead animal/taxidermy thing for decoration.