I've been thinking of changing mine just for something different but I've been told that I look like my avatar so I'm thinking of keeping it. There are quite a few people with Crush as theirs tho...
It's a picture I took at Falls Creek Baptist Camp about 25 miles north of where I live, in the Arbuckle mountains. I like the reminder of Gods grace in the Cross and the beauty of his creation in where they put this Cross.
Originally Posted by dksart
It's the hypnotoad, from "Futurama". That show is freakin' hee-larious.
I usually have a fleur-de-lis (as a symbol of my love for New Orleans) or some other piece of my own artwork as my avatar on other sites, maybe I'll change soon.
Use whatever photo editing software you use to make the picture 100 pixels by 100 pixels. Or if you want to post the picture here I or someone will edit it for you.
Mine is just a quick shot of my lawnmower....
kidding but its an old pic of an engine. doesnt look anything like that anymore.
Old pic. I should really update it but then no one would even know who I am anymore.