exposed skeleton

I purchased an Open Brain coral on Saturday and today it has exposed skeleton.
Is there anything I can/should do?
A Gorgoninan I got same day is fine.
Everything else is fine too.
all tests good no nitrates
Regal tang
yellow tang
rabbit fish
watchman goby
asstd crabs and snails
and 3 percula clowns
2 cleaner, one peppermint, and one coral bandit shrimp
toadstool leather
star polyps and colony polyps
mushroom rock
55 gallon with eheim pro canister and a refugium plus protein skimmer


Active Member
Is it exposed or is the skin very thin in that area? Is it in the mouth area or on the lobe?


my own experience is once a hard coral has skeleton exposed it is just a matter of time before it wastes away - not much you can do. I would love to hear something to the contrary though if anyone has any advice.


Feed it and see if it eats...
Did you see it when you bought it?
Could a fish be nipping it?
Any green "algea" looking substance on it?
it is red on the outside and green on the inside, this green looks similar to algae except for the texture and the green area (mouth area) looks the same as when I got it
it looked perfectly healthy until i got home from work today
i will try to feed it


Yes, I believe it is the same as the one I have, a red open brain. The green I'm talking about would be on the skeleton...and look like green algea, brightish in color.
It is possible that the fish are picking on it? Are the missing parts jagged, or smooth where the tissue is good?
Can you post a picture?


Is that fairly accurate color or tough camera shot...Looks like it lost lots of color..
How did you acclimate it? It may be in shock..
Did it eat?
What kind of light and where is it?
Sorry for all the questions, it will help get you some answers I hope. I will be back in the morning, for tonight, if you don't get additional help, let it settle in, hopefully it ate and will be on the right track..You may try dipping it tomorrow. Try a search, I have an ongoing issue with a hammer corral, not quite the same, but John has helped my user, you will find it.
Don't be disheartened if it doesnt do well, we will try the best we can...


and watch the fish around it...
I will check back first thing in the morning..
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful...


Active Member
i got one real cheap from my 6 bucks. It was a cool one but receding just like that. I drop a little food around it and it gets ready to feed, and would put a peice of krill in its mouth...all the recession has gone away and hes a healthy fat blimp in the sand!


I have had that problem with a couple of brains. I discovered that they were getting too much light. I moved them into a semi shaded area and both are looking much better. It will take time but try feeding it and if it doesn't improve shortly move it into a little less light. Do watch for fish nipping at it though, if you have any angels or a hippo tang, they could be the guilty parties. Good luck.
Thanks all
The Pic is pretty accurate color is faded
it looks even worse today
acclimation - I floated it 1/2 hour then added 1/4 cup my water then 15 min then 1/4 cup more then 15 min put in tank
it is about 10in deep below my JBJ power compact 4x65
the gorgonian i got is now also looking wilted and a cleaner shrimp i got also died
I am wondering if it may have been too big of a salinty diff between my tank and the lfs??? or if my tank may be contaminated from something else everything that was in tank before this weekend is perfectly fine tho
The brain did eat will keep feeding it if it will and am moving it into a shadier spot along with the gorgonian


The gorgonians I have had a fairly long aclimation time as well, they closed up and looked bad for about a week, then started to open up...depending on the type gorgonian, they are not bright light loving corals...mine are semi shaded towards the bottom.
I would try the brain started on the floor, then work upward if it does better, most corals as I have been told, should start off at the bottom and then be moved up due to light shock. Some even say leave lights off for the first 24 hours..Hopefully someone more experienced will jump in on this..
If all else fails, a dip like Kent Tech D would be worth a try in a couple days, it will stop most bacterial problems which may be an issue, but if all the things you put in are not doing well, probably not the problem.
I would say if all your chemistry is ok as you stated, then the light is most likely the to the salinity difference, wont help now, but when you bring new things home it is a good idea to check the bag waters salinity and PH, and adjust your aclimation time accordingly...Just my opinion, but I don't think thats what the problem is with these corals...


Active Member
I've had better luck placing open brain corals on the bottom of the tank on the substrate - under most any lighting I've had.
I had one that was damaged - it's skeleton was not so much exposed as it's tissue was torn.
It smelled really bad - and had some sort of tissue infection.
I eventually removed it.
Smell it - this will let you know if there's much decomposing fleshy parts. You'll know right away.
Just bring it up near the surface or water and take a whiff.
It's not looking real good at this point, but I agree with the others.
Feed it, watch it and try down on the substrate away from too much light.
I altered the original pic - if that's okay with you.
thanks broomer
I put it on the substrate already but i think it's too late. deteriorating quickly
i have not seen any of my fish near it yet with lights on or off
i did not get these from my usual lfs.
considering my luck with everything from my usual lfs,i think i will stick to them from now on.


Active Member
That's a bummer :(
If it gets to the point that you feel it's a "no-return" and it stinks bad - may be a good time to remove it so it doesn't pollute the tankwater.
I agree - sticking with a good source for corals and fish - reduces the chances of getting unhealthy critters.
I bought two red open brains - same time.
Niether one looked great - but I got them for a song.
Placed them on the rockwork.
One toppled off - and it's fleshy tissue was ripped badly.
It became infected - and I had to remove it.
Luckily ~ the other one has done very well.
Sorry to hear about your situation.