Marine fish available to the pet trade run the full gamut of colour, size, shape, requirements, and just about every other variable imaginable.
Fish can be so extreme it will make your head spin. Don't expect the LFS to drop any bombshells on you after you just purchased a Moorish Idol for your 25 gallon reef unknowingly from them.
For the sake of fun and education, which species of pet marine fish do you nominate in each or some of these categories? Which is the most extreme?
1. Largest
2. Smallest
3. Least Likely to Live
4. Hardest to Care For
5. Most Ridiculous
6. Rarest
7. Most Boring
8. Most Exciting
9. Most Beautiful
10. Most Intelligent
11. Worst Bite
12. Worst Sting
13. Least Understood
14. Most Commonly Abused
Fish can be so extreme it will make your head spin. Don't expect the LFS to drop any bombshells on you after you just purchased a Moorish Idol for your 25 gallon reef unknowingly from them.
For the sake of fun and education, which species of pet marine fish do you nominate in each or some of these categories? Which is the most extreme?
1. Largest
2. Smallest
3. Least Likely to Live
4. Hardest to Care For
5. Most Ridiculous
6. Rarest
7. Most Boring
8. Most Exciting
9. Most Beautiful
10. Most Intelligent
11. Worst Bite
12. Worst Sting
13. Least Understood
14. Most Commonly Abused