Eye Candy for Zoanthid Lovers


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Originally Posted by Bronco300
that last picture of the orange and blue..or purple, whicheever it, is crazy looking, very nice!!!

thanks we really like them. wait till you see what i got today.


Active Member
The 'Fanatic' place I often order zoos from uses 20K I believe. I know I have read many zoanthid sites and they often call for actinic and 20K MH for optimum viewing and coloration. I had many zoos lose colr under PC lighting in my other tank so I set up the new one with halides. It will be interesting to see if they return to their former glory. All were kept under MH before purchase whether at LFS or from an on-line source.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
The 'Fanatic' place I often order zoos from uses 20K I believe. I know I have read many zoanthid sites and they often call for actinic and 20K MH for optimum viewing and coloration. I had many zoos lose colr under PC lighting in my other tank so I set up the new one with halides. It will be interesting to see if they return to their former glory. All were kept under MH before purchase whether at LFS or from an on-line source.
I also use halides. the color we get out of our zoamthids is nothing short of amazing when compared to any other type of lighting. i find that some zoanthids change color under my my lights. sometimes this is a bad thing because I liked the color they started as. but 98% of the time they always color up and turn into something ALOT better then they started.
zoanthids may not NEED alot of light to grow and live but they sure to like it


Active Member
I have the exact same zoanthids oceana as your first couple of pictures, they started out looking like yours and they have ended up looking nothing at all like those. I have 20k halide and actinic VHO. I'm clueless as to why they change colors in my tank.

This is what they look like now.
Crazy huh?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
I have the exact same zoanthids oceana as your first couple of pictures, they started out looking like yours and they have ended up looking nothing at all like those. I have 20k halide and actinic VHO. I'm clueless as to why they change colors in my tank.

This is what they look like now.
Crazy huh?

happens like that sometimes. kind of like true blues. i have NEVER seen a true blue that was blue when at the store. i have become very good at seeing the potential of a zoanthid while at the store


Active Member
Oceana: how tall is your tank, how far from the water's surface is your MH and what wattage is it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Oceana: how tall is your tank, how far from the water's surface is your MH and what wattage is it?

24 tall.
I run 3x400 MH and 2x110 VHO. they are approx 15" off the water.
and yes i need a big fat chiller lol


Active Member
Mine is 24" tall too. I only run a 250. I think that is the problem. I KNEW I wanted the 400 but the LFS guy talked me out of it.

Right now I am running the 250w MH and 380w of VHO. I run a chiller too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Mine is 24" tall too. I only run a 250. I think that is the problem. I KNEW I wanted the 400 but the LFS guy talked me out of it.

Right now I am running the 250w MH and 380w of VHO. I run a chiller too.

thats the first misstake lol. you listened to the LFS haha
i dont NEED 400's but i sure am glad i have them. also your only running one?? dont you get crazy shadow effect?


Active Member
Nope. My tank is only 3 feet long so it covers it pretty well. I keep mushrooms on the sides.


Active Member
oceana, since you have mh to no end....then would it be most likely that moving from your brights to my 130pcs would make thema bit duller?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
oceana, since you have mh to no end....then would it be most likely that moving from your brights to my 130pcs would make thema bit duller?
hard to tell with zoanthids. for instance with the zoanthids i have right now i got them this way. so under my lighting they may change for the better or like i said above sometimes they will lose color. in this case i dont think there would be any problem what so ever.


hey wax can i see a full tank shot. i wanna see how all those colors look together!! thanks heres some.



Active Member
I hear ya Wax. There are so many differing opinions on these darn things and what lighting will optimize their coloring. I have done much reading on this subject and if I am not mistaken nutrient content of the water can also influence their color change in your tank. I was told to use high quality Reff Crystals and dose/monitor iodine levles to help keep them looking bright. Just some food for thought.
Oceana, your zoas are always fabulous. You are certainly doing something right.
I went with a 150 for my 20 extra tall but was considering the 250. LFS talked me out of it, I hope I will not regret that down the road. I do not want to run a chiller though which heavily influenced my ultimate decision. :thinking:


Active Member
hey wax...i noticed in the captain's log that you dosed your tank with chemi-clean...was that to take care of your cyanobacteria?? or waht did you do to take care of the junk?


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I placed an order today for some great zoos, some like the first set of Oceana's pictured aboce (the brifht red skirts mixed with the lime green skirts) and finally scored some true blues, YIPEE!! I will let you all know how they change when placed under my lighting, this will be interesting to moniror all the changes in our collective zoanthids.