Eye Candy for Zoanthid Lovers


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Maybe on my day off I'll play around with photoshop, it has a way to make web galleries. See what I can do with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, well then....looks perfect!
actually, now that i relook, i dont have a scroll bar..and so the "other"category is cut off
Ok fixed that.
... there is nothing in those lower galleries yet though.


Originally Posted by wax32
Maybe on my day off I'll play around with photoshop, it has a way to make web galleries. See what I can do with it.

Some where i can post in peace...........Wax have ever ordered the zoo's from swf.com


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
also...i think its cool you have a SW log

Did you read all that?

I have it there mostly for my own use, but I think some people would find it interesting to see how the tank has evolved and the problems and successes I have had with it.


Active Member
haha, no, i didnt read it all....but i do find it interesting to see progession of tanks...when i first got my turtles, i kept a log of them...its real interesting to me at least.


Active Member
how the tank buddy..... cool beans..lol....
thats your signature alright..oww ok enough about random stuff.
inform we of your tanks doing well. also i have a question about my acro. its a beatiful specimin i got for 40 bucks and i fraged it three times (only the tips) slower growth since my tank is not mature yet but still growth. my question of oppionion is ...... shoudl i frag the large branches and get nice smaller collonies for lots of profet (lfs will give like 10 per nice 3 inch peice) and be able to keep some as new collonies, but the problem is that its doing well and good grwth and color value and i dont want to ruin a good thing. i would realy like to propagate though.
so its some store credit and own collonies or enjoy it as a full dollonie and frag a litte later.
just want some oppinions. thx


Active Member
if youre scared of it losing its color...or whatever it is...then maybe just try one branch to see how it reacts, and if it goes over well then chop it up, if not leave well enough alone :joy:
wax, i'm diggin the new gallery...although i wish those stupid numbers were along the bottom so i wouldnt have to scroll down just a TINY bit to see the whole picture...not a big deal, but when having to do it for plenty of pictures, i could do without...haha. ***) gotta love the zoanthids though, they look great...and is the first picture new zoos that you got, or just the accl of old ones?


Active Member
also i have a question about zoos....so the one colony of zoos has yet to open...only a small portion, maybe 15% has actually opened...and the rest just stay closed for some reason.....I dont understand how i can have 6 other colonies or so that open perfect each day, then these that are so gosh darn stubborn....any ideas what it could be? I've moved em around to places where a different colony was, it just doesnt add up to me.


Originally Posted by Bronco300
also i have a question about zoos....so the one colony of zoos has yet to open...only a small portion, maybe 15% has actually opened...and the rest just stay closed for some reason.....I dont understand how i can have 6 other colonies or so that open perfect each day, then these that are so gosh darn stubborn....any ideas what it could be? I've moved em around to places where a different colony was, it just doesnt add up to me.

have you tryed brushing them off with a soft bristled tooth brush.......had the same incident and and a member here told me to try that and it worked! i thought he was crazy but tyed anyways


Active Member
i havent tried brushing em off....kinda worried about poking one of em...i usually take a baster and blow them and suck anything else that might be on...guess can i try the brush, cant do much more harm maybe


Active Member
you might try a fresh water dip. just fill a bowl with fresh water the same temp, and swish them around for 3 or 4 min. see if any thing falls off. might be nudi's


Active Member
I have had two colonies that never opened at all. Just withered away. I have tried dipping, brushing, moving them around, all to no avail.
The ones in the blue bucket are some older ones, while I was acclimating them.
As far a scrolling down a little... you must have your resolution on your monitor set low, I have plenty of room! I might be changing it up again anyway. I'll see what I can do to make it more compact.


Active Member
well my resolution as high as itll go, so beats me...i think i may be looking into some more zoos soon, my little shop will be gettin in some soon...with vday around the corner i wouldnt mind getting a colony,lol....dozen polyps for a dozen roses....and she gets the better deal with roses being insaneeee..bought time to upgrade the tank so i can get even more..lol.


Active Member
just a few of the zoanthids i got this week. belive it or not these manage to be even brighter in person
