Eye Candy for Zoanthid Lovers


Active Member
It's the program I use to make the gallery. You don't see descriptions for all the pictures? For instance, those say:
Orange and Purple
First Post-Katrina zoas
Those look more like this now:

Although that picture is 15 days old and they look different already.


Active Member
no, i didnt get any captions for the pictures

and that difference is hilarious,still cool looking though


Active Member
Hmm weird! Must be something with the Flash plug in.
I like them better now than before. That picture is with a flash. They really are a glowing orange, really cool.
I might just go back to posting my pictures on the site the old fashioned way so people can see my captions.


Active Member
sweet...now on page 1...3x3(column/row)...did you happen to just get that? there was an online site that had those exact colors and i really wanted it, but i had to hold myself since i had already gotten 5 rocks worth,lol


Active Member
If you mean these:

I got them on the 24th. The zoanthids you have with the red mouth are the same ones.


Active Member
yea, they are...just thought id see if maybe you got them at the same place i got mine :joy:
tank looks great, thats a nice site too, haha...nice video and credits


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Here ya go...

2 weeks in tank.

Yup, I like those blues. My lavender zoos look very similar to the ones growing with the true blue polyps. I paid $60 big ones, it hurt but it was the first time I had ever seen anything like them. There are about 75 polyps so I figured it was a fair price.
Wow on adding MORE lighting. I had seen you mentioned that colors were faiding in the zoos as they were raised but their growth increased. Are you hoping to keep the color and get the same rate of growth by upping the VHO wattage? Do you ever get a feeding response out of any of those colonies? From what I have read more recently many zoos are strictly herbivorous. Your zoos seem to be on 'roids so they are getting something good in there.


Active Member
I paid 60 for my lavender/blue rock too.
I'm hoping to see a change one way or the other from the VHO change. Right now I am leaning toward getting rid of the MH altogether and going with six 36" VHO bulbs which would be 570w. BUT, I am taking it slow, going to run the lights like I have them now for a while and see what happens. You never know, maybe they weren't getting enough light.
I want to go for color, not fast growth. We'll see, and I'll keep everyone posted!
I never see a feeding response from any but the Protopalythoas
. I feed a mixture of DSV spray dried phyto and Cyclop-Eeze wafers a couple of times a week. I also have a rather large bioload of fish, which I think I probably overfeed. When I described my feeding regimen to the regulars at my LFS they all said it sounds lke I'm not feeding enough!


Active Member
i have hardly seen any of my zoos responsive to food..every now and then i see a polyp taking in some of the frozen brine ive given...but most of em just close up thinking their being abused or something,lol...maybe not
is that single zoo in that last pic that was quoted the green apple zoo from earlier?


Active Member
Yeah, see how it has lost color? The tank it WAS in at the LFS has less light... it has a 150w MH and I have 250w.


Active Member
yea, that has changed alot.....i hate that about zoos, well partly, because then what i see under most sites and store is gonna be diff then what i will eventually see since most places have some type of MH....but some can turn out better......but what would happen if you put it in a slightly shaded area?


Active Member
Would be worth a shot. BUT, since I also just changed the lights I hate to change too many variables at once, then you don't know what worked.


Active Member
First I am gonna see if MORE light will help. The tank it was in at the LFS was shallower... so that's another variable! Yeesh.


Active Member
Yup just today added all that VHO. The halide just went off and the tank looks pretty nice with the three actinics and one 10000k VHOs.


Active Member
maybe you should start a couple of smaller tanks all plumbed together with different overhead lighting for each and test it out and let us know
itd be interesting to know if there are diff lights that will be more of an influence to change zoos to a certain color