Eye Candy for Zoanthid Lovers


Active Member
Wow, nothing like highjacking a thread!

That first picture looks more like some sort of anemone. I'm no pro though.


Active Member
Today's picture:

So-called "Mexican Red Tip" Hermit Crab. This guy made it through the Hurricane Katrina wipe out. His name is LUCKY.

PS: If anyone has ever seen an actual species name given to this crab let me know! I can't find diddly.


Active Member
Hey there Wax, I scored some nice zoas the other day and though of you (a small lavender colony and a small frag with peach centers and eggplant skirts neighbored by baby blue centers with lime green skirts)....wish I could take a good picture of them to share. You will be happy to know they will finally be under metal halides as well. Still trying to find some of those deep blues you always seem to come across. :thinking: Keep the new photos coming, I love watching the progression on your new tank.


Active Member
Sounds like a sweet score! I just added a pile of VHO lighting to my tank today. Went from two 24" actinics to three 36" actinics and one 36" 10000k for a total of 380w of VHO. That's in addition to the 250w 20000k metal halide. I hope to see some changes for the better out of my zoanthids. I'll post a new shot of some of the blues in a few minutes, they are growing nicely.


Active Member
hey, i finally took a look at that insane website,lol...i noticed you have some cherry zoos and sunflower type zoos...and so i was just wondering how well those have spread??
haha...i went to my lfs today because they have 20%...and they had one nice colony, but heck, their prices are rediculous, i think they wanted 40 or so....hah, and they had a small hammer frag, and they called it a nano coral so they charged 25


Active Member
Which insane website? Mine? Depending on which you are refering to, my "sunflower" zoanthids died in Katrina. Not sure which ones you would refer to as "cherry".

40 for a nice colony of zoanthids sounds good to me. And hammers are 35+ around here no matter how small.


Active Member
oh, my bad, and yes your website....i have no clues with cherry...i'll look better..
40 for a zoo colony better be real bright for me....it had maybe 30 polyps or so....way to small for me when i can get 100+ for 20....but i get my corals online, so i guess comparing prices to what i find online to my lfs is a crazy difference...then had this "3.2" rock that had super smal xenia stalks on it, and they were asking 60 for it.


Active Member
haha, i dont know, the pic is of a real small colony...its on your 4th pg in the gallery
those are sweet though


Active Member
hmm, there is no description...its 4th page, 4th column to the right, 4 row down
real small, like 6 red prolyps or so