eye it buy it


some one needs to calm down...........................and i wouldn't be so sure you don't want kips help...he knows more than many of the moderators and such (at least i hold his advise in high esteem) and like he said he tells it how it is
by the way if your not a

you sure come off as one


regardless, let's just drop this crap. Maybe I took it the wrong way, sorry about that. You also don't have to call me names.



Originally posted by Jenfur427
Maybe I took it the wrong way, sorry about that. You also don't have to call me names.

you didn;t take anything the wrong way...its common for new members to get "lashings" from people who have been here a while. espically on things like sun corals and their diffuculty
a lot of times people dont research before they buy...but obviously you have. dont let this stop you from being an active member


Thanks Brian, that really means a lot. I was just hurt, because I have been looking for a sun coral for a while, and finally found one I like, and the first thing someone says is
this may be putting you on the spot a little.. but have you done your homework on sun polyps? whatdya know about them?
I mean, WTF? The way he wrote it sounded like he wanted me to list exactly what I knew about them, and defend myself for buying something.
Seriously, I'm not one of those people who puts a tang in a 20 gallon, and then wonders what went wrong when it dies.
I do my research, and just because I'm fairly new to the forum doesn't mean that people have to jump on me when I order something.
Regardless, if Kip didn't mean to sound mean, then I guess I took it the wrong way. I mean, isn't this site here for everybody, whether that be a newbie or someone who has been here a while?


yea i know what you mean.......but you got to look at it from the point of view that their are some ppl that start this hooby and kill very many things do to lack of knowing and just wanting cool things in there tank........this makes me sad because they don't help the sw business and hurt natural reefs
and sorry about the name calling


Thanks Brad, it means a lot. It takes a really big man to apologize.
That said, my order status is still pending, I'll post a pic when it gets here. The pic they showed looked like it was about 3 inches across, we'll see when it gets here.
Thanks again!!!!!


Staff member
Here is my sun coral from this site. Yep, he eats every single nite. As you can see here, he is just opening up ready for my turkey baster!
Mark, I've always said exactly what I wanted to say, can't imagine what you're referring to?


That is just beautiful Beth. I love looking at that coral. I really want one. Well my husband and I have decided to move up to a 180 gal. The lfs here has them on a good sale. I hope some day we will be satisfied with the size of our tank. I can just piture a tank the size of our living room with just a couple kitchen chairsto sit on and enjoy the view.LOL


I can tell, LOL. It says my order is still pending, but since I ordered it on Thursday, it should be here by Wednesday.


What happened here??? Can someone please delete that last post? The thread started out well enough, I was curious too. Things like this make me want to keep my opinions/advice to myself. Hope things change.


Wow, that was fast. Thanks, not sure if it was deleted while I was typing or what, but x purity needs to be a little more careful about what is posted on the board.


Staff member
Not to worry, folks, we have a few unwelcome ex-members trying to harrass us. It will be taken care but, in the meantime, hit the REPORT button. Thanks.
Now on to better topics: You can see a bit of food there on that coral, fresh seafood. The general receipe is posted on in the FAQ Thread in the Disease Forum. Also, I feed some froozen. This coral loves to eat.


Had to add that my sun coral from SWF is now about 3-4 months in the beaming! It is very beautiful and can not believe the length of the cups at night . They all open ready to be fed just when I feed the fish, well, shortly after. Read that one of you feeds it every day. Mine is fed every other day frsh or frozen brine in phytoplanton. However the phyto that was supposed to be fine for feeding every other day is smelling off, so must toss. My local fish store hopefully will re-supply with a discount in that they are charging 25 dollars for the larger size which did not last as they said it would. Anyone have that experiance? Is this to be expected? Will only get the smaller size from now on. Chopped fresh seafood is also accepted by my plate coral and the sun, but feeding every cup? They take what comes their way. Each cup nourish the rest. Then again, I ordered this sun with only the info. I had read in my coral book, which wasn't much. Have high phosphates also and it is developing new cups so am wondering about that aspect. The sun is not supposed to flourish with high phosphates.


Well I finally am getting around to posting some pic's of the corals. Here's the mushrooms. They were really small. Biggest one was about the size of a nickel but they are real pretty.


Good luck with your sun coral! After I received mine from SWF, heard that they can't take phosphates but mine is thriving, even with sustained high phosphate readings{well water}after 3 months. The cups really extend after lights are out but still quite beautiful when it's feeding time. I feed mine phyto and frozen and fresh brine, also blend seafoods with phyto. Jen, if you remember, let me know how long your phyto holds out. Spent 25 dollars on a large and according to LFS feeding schedule, every other evening, the phyto smell horrible and must be tossed. A little more than three quarters finished By the way, what happens to letters we post. At times they disappear, as my other one did on this subject. Gone, kaput! Anyway let me know if yours lasts refrigerated of course, for the length of time that is suggested.