Eyebedams 24 gallon Nanocube pics


I do not have a chiller. The max my temp has been is 81 during the summer. Actually its been so cold lately I just realized my heater has gone out. My temps been 74 for the past 2 days. Im gonna pick up a heater at my lfs today so Ill probably pay out the ying yang for it but it isnt worth oredering 1 to save a couple bucks when you got to turn around & pay shipping.


Beautiful Tank but not so much of a beautiful avatar...Is that actually you? cause that is not the perfect type of hair you got there *not trying to be rude*


No my avatar is the late great James Brown it was his mugshot picture. Thanks for the tank comments though.


Active Member
I was "mostly" kidding, though I do love the colors of zoanthids you have, especially the third pic in your third set of pics. Is that an eagle-eye zoanthid? They don't have any like that at my LFS.


I m really hoping I can get the phes, nuclear greens, the blues to really take off. Im working on a new 180 gallon take which will have some huge pieces of tonga in it that i want to
completely cover in zoas.