Fainting Goat Kittens


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by OceanKid http:///forum/thread/381755/fainting-goat-kittens#post_3329138
Originally Posted by Flower
Death is a sad final thing for any creature and all fight to the last breath to live.
Not all because there are some who commits suicide...

Suicide is a hard thing to understand, it goes against nature. The dark feelings must be so very over powering for someone to do this, or they are facing a great deal of pain like with cancer. That is an extreme situation and not one animal's indulge in, I think it's a human remedy. I have seen rabbits just give up and die but not actively kill themselves on purpose.
Well except for a ground hog I ran over once..It sat on the side of the road out of harm’s way...as my car drove past it decided to go under the car and got run over by the back tire..Weird, so I could be wrong on that.