Fake anemone works wonders


This fake anemone is working well until i actually have the stability to host a real anemone...


Great idea!
Where did you get that and how "hard" is it? I mean do the arms move around or are they stiff?


sorry it was my bed time....its actually in a way hard/sitff but its smooth... yes they love to move around in it and also sleep in it...and I bought it at *****... IMO i would never buy live stock but their rubber stuff works fine :) ... and thanks....still can't wait till i can get the real deal though ;)


Ive heard good things about the fake anemones... I read a story from someone who used them for shelter of the fry from breeding clarkii and tomato clowns... the fry loved them


Active Member
LOL....a few years ago I had encouraged a student to try and come up with fake alternatives to anemones and see if clowns had any relative preference for different artificial types versus hosting in live anemones. It was never done, but I thought it would be a good idea to try. Glad to see it worked! :D


haha yeah... I was suprised by the outcome of how much they liked it...my brothers false percs showed no intrest for it...but mine are all over it... his replacment for the fake anemone is in the picture...a RBTA hes had for a week or so now...can someone tell me why it gets HUGE at night and shrinks in the day? too much light? i dont know how much he has but it isnt that bright...


do his percs go into that bulb tip? if not they could be tank raised fish that dont know what they do in the wild... they were never taught to go into an anemone.


Active Member
well, my anemone doesnt like really strong direct light. so i move hom to the other side(left) of the tank(the halide is on the right side) and he is dong great.


Active Member

Originally posted by Blitz99
if not they could be tank raised fish that dont know what they do in the wild... they were never taught to go into an anemone.

Captive breds do not need to be taught to live in an anemone. Many CB's will do it on their own.


Active Member
Hey, these things are great. I just bought what "they call" a stag coral for my tank it it looks awesome.
These thing are put out by Pennplax, they are called Deco-Corals and are cool. Hey if you cannot have the real thing these are nice.
I do have live corals to though. But this really added a nice punch to my tank.
I would love to get a nice anemone for my tank, my clown would love it I am sure. The thing is to find one that looks a bit on the real side.
I also found out that at the LFS these things the small ones were 24.99 each, went to WalMart today and the exact same thing 3.97 each. Got to love Walmart sometimes....:yes:
This company has a whole catalogue on different ones too.


Active Member
I don't think I am allowed to post web sites here. But if you go to the pennplax site you will find it.


New Member
I checked my "petsolutions" and found a beautiful Atlantic Anemone-white. TY for the help, I will surely post some pics and a report of how it worked out. :happyfish