Farts makin ammonia spikes?

friend of mine said one day he was with about 6 buddies in his room an they were all farting an he had tested his water while everything was going on an he said he had a spike! he said he tested earlier in the day an nothing but that night it spiked! lol so question is can farts spike ur ammonia he had a pump skimmer useless but im guessing thats how alll that fart smell got pumped into the water.


Active Member
The only way a fart is going to cause an ammonia spike is if you run a clear tube hose from your rear end directly into the tank. Then, the pressure would have to be strong enough to blow a clown fish slam across the tank, thus killing the innocent bystander, and then he has to die. The ammonia spike will come in a day or two from the dead fish in your tank, not from any vapors that may or may not have leaked from one's butt to the tank water....


this is singly handed the worst question ever on this forum. THe old saying there is no dumb questions just dumb people, does apply here


Originally Posted by T316
The only way a fart is going to cause an ammonia spike is if you run a clear tube hose from your rear end directly into the tank. Then, the pressure would have to be strong enough to blow a clown fish slam across the tank, thus killing the innocent bystander, and then he has to die. The ammonia spike will come in a day or two from the dead fish in your tank, not from any vapors that may or may not have leaked from one's butt to the tank water....

Apparently 6 guys were involved...so if liquor was present, this is entirely possible

but i agree, this was a complete waste of time


Originally Posted by T316
The only way a fart is going to cause an ammonia spike is if you run a clear tube hose from your rear end directly into the tank. Then, the pressure would have to be strong enough to blow a clown fish slam across the tank, thus killing the innocent bystander, and then he has to die. The ammonia spike will come in a day or two from the dead fish in your tank, not from any vapors that may or may not have leaked from one's butt to the tank water....

Originally Posted by NanoMantis

Originally Posted by VampOfVegas


( my new background)
LMAO!! you guys are hilarious