Favorite bumper stickers.....


Active Member
my delinquent kicked your honor students A$$
save a tree eat a beaver
dont like the logging industry try wiping your but with a plastic bag.
USMC SNIPER: dont run you'll just die tired.
Jesus saves, moses invests: who's smarter?
TV = entertainment: not a babysitter
I have many more.


Active Member
Gun control is never having to say "I missed you"
Keep America beautiful, spay or neuter liberals
Send Kennedy hunting with ---- Cheney
Life's a Beech, don't vote for one (you know what the correct spilling of the 3rd word should be)
Clinton doesn't inhale, he sucks
If you follow any closer I'll flick a booger on your windshield
Were you born stupid or did you take lessons?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
6 out of 10 women are battered, I'm still eatin' mine plain.
"My kid beat up your honor student" is one of my all time favorites.

salt monger

Frodo Failed, Bush Got The Ring
The Germans Supported Their Troops Too
(yellow Magnet Ribbon That Stated) Support The Magnetic Ribbon Industry


Active Member
Although it should be a bumper sticker but I found a U.S. Marines t-shirt online that says : If in Doubt, empty Magazine.


Active Member
I've never seen one but If I were to make a bumper sticker it would say.
your daughter and spent your money at UT"
You know those stupid my kid and my money go to UT or whatever college.

nano reefer

Active Member
Anyone heard larry the cable guy??? he had a good one...
he goes on and on and ends up talking about seniors that drive with the WWJD? (What would Jesus Do?) stickers and he says:
"He would probably do the speed limit!"
The skit is called WWJD if anyone is interested, itunes 99 cents