Favorite fish killed by nasty tang


New Member
I'm a victim of misinformation from the local fish store,online information, and denying my past experiences about having a powder brown mimic tang in a 65 gallon aquarium. I should never have bought the juvenile mimic tang after learning hard lessons from a sailfin and tamini tang. Simply put, if you dont have a big aquarium dont bother getting a tang. I lost my precious multi color pygmy angel to the spurs of the mimic tang. At great cost, time, and many miles driven to tampa and orlando i finally located my prized fish. I had her for 3 wonderful months and tonite i flushed her down the toilet grave with much regret. Please, if you value peaceful fish, never have any tang in a small tank. Tangs are aggressive and need room to grow. I learned a very hard lesson i hope others can avoid; i'm crying as im writing this topic.
for a majestic angel.


Well-Known Member
I never heard of a mimic tang...Sorry for your loss. I will make sure I never get one.


wait... i'm confused... what fish died?? And who killed it???
** I just added a powder brown tang today in my tank.. my yellow one is beating it up a bit... my tank is big though 150g...


HAHA yea I just noticed it was your first post!! lol nice call fuego! lol Wow what a first post.. depressing... although i'm still confused... explain situation again..?