My favourite fish would have to be my Bicolor Angel. I can watch that fish for hours. This is my favourite because He just keeps swimming around picking at the rocks and never bothers any of the other fish.The best looking would be my blue face, but he isn't as active and is fairly shy.
Toss up between Powder Blue Tang, Emperor angel and flame hawk.....then there is the majestic angel, sohal and.... tough decision but If I had to pick, I'd go w/ the PB.
Although I'm extremely happy with the varity and colors of my favorite is actually the snowflake ell. Simply because I hand feed it I cup my fingers and the ell wraps itself around my thumb and stays inside my hand. Eats about 4 or 5 freeze dried krill (small) and then swims away. On days when it doesn't feel like still swims into my hand. I've had it over 5's 8" long....and is inside my hand within 5 seconds of me putting my hand in the tank.
My Flame Hawk and V. Puffer are there immediately, too!! (food only).....hope your having as much fun as I am!!!!! terry
I would have to say my favorite is the PowderBlue, he is surreal and peaceful. I don't have a tank but have a close friend who has a 125 with a beautiful collection of fish, one of which is a PB. Great fish...