Originally Posted by ophiura
Actually, it is illegal, I believe, in all of Florida. :nope:
I'm not sure what I would add. :thinking: Its almost too much to consider. How to choose one thing...
True STory ya'll,
My best friend and I where Diving in the UBER Reef in OZ a couple years ago. Two of the guys that went with us on our diving *Expedition* where caught stealing reef, and I'm sure they're still in prison. Do I feel any pitty for them? Hell no! We almost got stung by Box JellyFish that trip.
Apparently the guys had Faux double tank setups and where using the second empty, threaded tank to take the reef.
I think it's even Illegal in most parts of Fl to take large ammounts of water outta the coean. If it's not, I'm setting up a 3000g tank in my beach Bungaloo. Is it Illegal if you own the Property?
As for the Subject - hand. I'd love a 800g. Custom Jellyfish *tube* and a 10,000 Gallon agressive tank.