Favorite sayings or movie lines


Active Member
List your favorite sayings or movie lines.
I have a few:
1. Nothing is impossible for the person that doesn't have to actually do the work
2. If your called a pessimist or told to stop being one, remind that person -- Do you know the definition of a pessimist? It's an optimist with experience
3. What's the difference between ignorance and apathy.... I don't know and I don't care
4. S#$t... Crap, You can mold into may different sizes and shape, but when your through it's still a pile of crap.
5. I will stake my reputation as a failure on it.
1 Good enough, I can't see it from my living room
1 Taillight warranty... Soon as the taillights are out of sight so is the warranty
Blues Brothers
1 So, what type of music do you play here? Both kinds, Country and Western
LP Vacation:
1 You think you hate it now, wait till you drive it.
2 You like her Clark, No, how could I, she's ugly ..... (Christy Brinkley is who they are talking about)
3 I don't know why they call this hamburger helper , it does just find by itself.
One of the

Gun series:
1 That hurts, not like riding a bicycle without a seat, but still hurts.
2 ( OJ is in the hospital) The two Cops walk in and tell OJ .. We have everyone on the force looking for the person that did this. We're not going to rest until we find them Blah, blah blah, Now how about we go get a bite to eat.


Active Member
IT/Help Desk
1 It was a PEBKAC error -- Problem Exist Between Keyboard And Chair.
2 Email to Help Desk -- So what is this "QWERTY" keyboard thingy I need, I don't think I have one?


Active Member
Left two out... You can figure out the other two part word for rear end - AHs
Opinions are like rear ends, everyone has one, just some are bigger than others.
You are not the last ham sandwich in hungry town if you get my drift!


"I've only got two things in this world, my word and my balls and I dont break either one for nobody". Tony Montana


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmaniac
gosh ur such an idiot napolen dynamyte
Good one excellent movie


Active Member
"Did you remember to bring the buttfor?"
"Whats a buttfor?"
"To poop with silly.."
Southpark the movie.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"
Crabs from Finding Nemo.
"Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!"
Seagulls from Finding Nemo.
"Heh... Heh... you're crazy... you're CRAZY........ I like you...... but you're CRAZY"
Old School
**I dunno where this is from.. but have heard it recently and cracks me up
"This is like the worlds biggest sausagefest."
"It's like.. the international house of sausage."


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
"well, I'll be your huckleberry"

I used to skip school and watch Tombstone over and over again. I've probably watched that movie at least one hundred times. Possibly even more.


"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

I loved that movie as you might could tell from my avitar,


"A beautiful girl can make you dizzy, like you've been drinking Jack and Coke all morning..." ~Paul: Beautiful Girls ~


"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken!" -Fight Club (one of the greatest movies of all time...to me)
"You like dags?"
"Yea, dags"
"Oh, DOGS!, Sure I like dags!" -Snatch (the other great movie of all time)
I love those crabs from Finding Nemo!!


Active Member
Its from a video game called "conkers bad fur day" :
"Eat lead mother buzzer"
" WANT MOM!!! I WANT MOM!!! WAHHHHHH!!!" Thats from the little girl from war of the worlds.


wuts the big blue like
um big and blue
i knew it
fish are friends not food
finding nemo