Favorite sayings or movie lines


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Magazine ad...
"You know what happens if you Don't ask your Doctor about



"A hard p---s has no conscience." (wee wee)
not sure where I heard this.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
- Galileo Galilei


"Bitterness is poison that you drink expecting the other person to die"
"Chaos reigns within. Reflect, repent, and reboot. Order shall return"


Active Member
" Old McDonald had a farm
And on the farm he shot some guys"
"Oswald was a fag"
One of the best movies ever.....


Active Member
Joe Pesci - GoodFellas,
What do you mean, I'm funny?...You mean the way I talk?...What's funny about it?...What the f--k is so funny about me? Tell me?...


Active Member
Does your dog bite? No, my dog doesn't bite! ggrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrrrrrrrrrprthi THOUGHT YOU SAID YOUR DOG DOESN'T BITE? tHATS NOT MY DOG.

We don't need no steenken badges!
Nice beaver! Thanks, I just had it stuffed.
Every stupid line in the "Breakfast Club" and Ferris Buellers Day Off


Staff member
Originally Posted by Rgmason
"Say hello to my little friends" Tony montana
Yep, that is one of my favorites too. Pacino was great in that movie.
I think its "friend" though, speaking of a huge gun he had.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Yep, that is one of my favorites too. Pacino was great in that movie.
I think its "friend" though, speaking of a huge gun he had.

There was also another great line in that movie....
What, I didn't kill nobody, not lately....


Active Member
"What is this... a Center for ANTS?! It's going to have to be... at least 3 times bigger than this!"


Jesus may love you, but everybody else things youre an Ahole.
cant read? we want to help. write to us now for a free pamphlet about illiteracy
mechanic: youre out of blinker fluid.....
" I'm not dead yet. "
" It's just a flesh wound. "
" Was it an African or European swallow?"
" I want to ..... sing... "
" one... two... four!" "three Sir"... "
monty python, holy grail, and lets face it, we could put the entire script up here huh....
" its Rex Manning day!!! "
empire records
" are you cool man?" ....... " like.. how?"....... " okaayyyyyy"
"thats what i like about those highschool girls.... i get older.... they stay the same age."
dazed and confused


From "The Money Pit", Shelley Long to Tom Hanks:
"You're so much less attractive when I'm sober"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishman830
"What is this... a Center for ANTS?! It's going to have to be... at least 3 times bigger than this!"
I couldnt stand that movie at all.. I watched like 25% of it and had to turn it off... but I will say.. that part made me laugh harder than ANYTHING has ever made me laugh.


Didn't Moliere come up with "Shut your air-hole" in The Misanthrope?
After their electricity is cut off Roseanne says: "Well, middle class was fun."
"What is an answer that is not trivial?"
Countess Madeleine in Richard Strauss' opera "Capriccio."
"Come here. I'll give you my little finger to suck on"
Don Alfonso in Mozart's opera "Cosi fan tutte."
-"I'm shocked, shocked to find there is gambling going on here!"
-"Your winnings, sir."
-"Oh, thank you very much."
"Please, I went to a barmitzvah once. It doesn't make me Jewish!"
Lisa Kudrow to her gay best friend's boyfriend who informs her that he's in love with the friend's sister in The Opposite of ---.
"The poor are the poor, one feels sorry for them, but there you have it."
Anthony Hopkins to Emma Thompson in "Howards End."
Elisabeth Taylor, either drunk or on some meds, announcing the best picture winner at the Golden Globes.


Active Member
"How many a--holes do we have on this ship?"
"Yo ho Lord Helmet"
"I knew it, I'm surrounded by a--holes"
"Keep firing a--holes"
One of Rick Moranis' better movies IMO.


Active Member
Not an actual line from a movie... rather an entire scene.....
the gasoline fight betweent he male models in Zoolander.


New Member
When your boss tries to blame you for something your co-worker did wrong...... You're in the right yard, but your barking up the wrong tree.


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If I told you everything I knew in conjuction with everything you know, then you would know more than I know, and you know we can't have that.