favorite shark


Active Member
I was bored, so I checked the site. Read this thread and now someone owes me a new keyboard, as I have spit beer on it from laughing so hard.


Did you laugh because you saw that Harndog thought my Redtail shark was a Carp?
That made me laugh because the tag clearly said Redtail SHARK, not CARP.
He wasn't even there, so how would he know?
Carps live in the river, not in my tank.


ok Whitey going to have to treat you like JR
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor (Red-Tailed Black Shark)
Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order: Cypriniformes (carps, minnows, algae eaters, suckers, loaches)
Family: Cyprinidae
Scientific Name: Epalzeorhynchos bicolor
Other Scientific Name(s): Epalzeorhynchus bicolor, Labeo bicolor
Common Name: Red-Tailed Black Shark
Other Common Names: Redtail sharkminnow
Distribution: Southeast Asia: Chao Phraya basin, Thailand. Reported from the Mekong basin (Ref. 37773).
Diet: Omnivorous. Live, frozen, flake, and green foods.
Temperament: These fish can be aggressive and quarrelsome with its own kind, and prone to terrorizing companion fhide.
Breeding: Egg-layer.
Special Care:
You had better go to the LFS an throw a tantrum they owe you $3.49 and $10,000 for pain and suffering.


Name your source. That info looks made up to me.
I highly doubt that this store would make such a mistake. It was a *****. They are as reputable as anyone in the world.


Fish index dot com And are you kidding me I couldn't spell that many words correct to save my life. But hey I tried to get you a deal all you had to do was contact a good lawyer. You had a case of false advertising. Was yor s the kind that get up to 5 foot long?? Those are the coolest they are fun to catch with strawberry doughballs out of the Arkansas river. Wait those are orange sorry just had flashbacks of old fish stories. My favorite type of shark is a bull shark for the record. And they can live in freshwater. I wonder if i coud go to walmart and by a 55 gallon and have someone from florida send me a baby I could set it up as a freshwater if they caught it oout of the river. :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


Totally bored and tried to earn my boyscout badge for the night but as you can see The water is still cloudy in naperville.
Congrats on the baby girl by the way I have had two boys in the last few years. i loved the story you posted. Brought back a lot of memory's of the first boy 2 and half years ago the second was like a flash we where in and done in 1 hour 30 min.


Originally Posted by Harndog
Totally bored and tried to earn my boyscout badge for the night but as you can see The water is still cloudy in naperville.
Congrats on the baby girl by the way I have had two boys in the last few years. i loved the story you posted. Brought back a lot of memory's of the first boy 2 and half years ago the second was like a flash we where in and done in 1 hour 30 min.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
I was bored, so I checked the site. Read this thread and now someone owes me a new keyboard, as I have spit beer on it from laughing so hard.
I Lost it so bad just now I started coughing and scared the dogs so bad they started barking and going nuts.


Active Member
who is funding this "project" for a 2000 gallojn tank, also i dont think you understand what your getting into