Favorite Uncommon Fish


Active Member
It's a grunt sculpin. We are going to have to get licenses up north to go hunt for some of these guys for our pacific ecosystem.
Maybe this will help ya out, Shrimpy. Bearded Ghoul

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by Cranberry
It's a grunt sculpin. We are going to have to get licenses up north to go hunt for some of these guys for our pacific ecosystem.
Maybe this will help ya out, Shrimpy. Bearded Ghoul
Thanks, Cran! I don't have one yet, so I didn't have a pic to post!

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by Cranberry
Oh wha wha? I didn't realize you were looking for one. If I get wind of one, I'll let you know.
Thanks, the docs had at least one for a couple of hours last week, by the time I got home that night, they were sold out.

Just as well, both my QT's are full right now. Maybe I should pick up a small tank(just in case)*crosses fingers*