Feashwater fish ?


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
DO not use RO water in a freshwater tank IT WILL kill all the fish. RO strips everything out of the water that the fish need to live in SW we add it back to the tank with the salt mixes we use.
Well which should I use my well water from the hose and the tap water?


are you on city water or just well if you are on all well and the water isnt where it should be you can use your RO water BUT you will need to buy a product called RO right that will put the elements that are needed back into the tank. I learned this the hard way and killed off about 4 of my gorgwous bettas. if you well tests good you can use it I have always had luck useing my well water with FW tanks just no in SW tanks.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
are you on city water or just well if you are on all well and the water isnt where it should be you can use your RO water BUT you will need to buy a product called RO right that will put the elements that are needed back into the tank. I learned this the hard way and killed off about 4 of my gorgwous bettas. if you well tests good you can use it I have always had luck useing my well water with FW tanks just no in SW tanks.
It is well water. When i started this tank alls I did is used the water from the hose and waited 3 months to put the fish in.
Heres my tiger



I will post some pics of my oscars tomorrow. You can do the same thing to reset the tank but you dont have to wait 3 months to add fish I would make sure that tank is cycled or doesnt spike again.


oops i ment 1 month not 3 months
i could probably never wait 3 months to add a couple fish into the aquarium. lol


Well i have a stupid story.
I was just moving these oscars from upstairs to downstairs you know.
But when i first started the one upstairs i put in 4 gold fish a day after i started the tank and they all survived some how. I think that was kind of a stupid move torturing the gold fish like that. But none of them died until I put the oscars in. And the was the water from the well.


it was probably the oscars since they are carnivorous the go after other fish. I have to buy minnows weekly for mine tryed just fish food and they dont do well with just pellets but they love the minnows!!!


Guys want to hear a funny Oscar story. When I was changing my fw to sw none of the lfs in my area would take my Oscars. So I thought this six in fish would fit down the toilet. Well I was wrong. It got stuck in the bend in the bowl. I had to call a plumber he said what is in there I said a fish. He took the bowl of and it was still alive. He looked freaked out. You tried to flush that big thing. Well to make a long storie short he took the fish home for his tank. Said I will always be able to tell people I pulled this one from a toilet.


Active Member
thoes are beautiful oscers. i also have a parrot but i paid $30 for him because he is bright orange and has absoultly no black or discoloration on him. well i have 2 parrots but one of them is oranng with a pink tint to him. he looks so beautiful. i love my parrots, buit i had to put them in seperate tanks because they wanted to dual to the death.


Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
thoes are beautiful oscers. i also have a parrot but i paid $30 for him because he is bright orange and has absoultly no black or discoloration on him. well i have 2 parrots but one of them is oranng with a pink tint to him. he looks so beautiful. i love my parrots, buit i had to put them in seperate tanks because they wanted to dual to the death.

That is only 1 oscar
I only paid $5 bucks for mine when it was on sale.


So can i buy 3 angelfishs now and get the other 3 later or should i get them all at once so they have less of a chance of fighting?


if they are small ones you will be alright but if they are medium to large then there could be problems with adding them in different intervals.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
if they are small ones you will be alright but if they are medium to large then there could be problems with adding them in different intervals.
Well I'm going to be getting them from ***** and they look like mediums, so I will probably get them all at once after I change out the water. I'm going to be looking at different places since most of the time I don't trust *****.


honestly I wouldnt buy them from ***** if you had a choice they have a lot of inbreed stock and I have never got them to live long term because of it.
the large they sell would IMO be consider small to medium angels. check some other place though just not walmart same problem there half dead in most cases just cant tell it for about a week or so after you get them.


I the place I want to look at is Angels pet world or a world of fish.
I'm guessing I'm going to angels pet world since its only 20 min away rather then a hour away for a world of fish. But I've seen their angels and they are huge. The body's were like the diameter of a baseball.


yeah those are full grown and hoestly I would buy them either becuase they are oldies. I would see if they have some smaller ones or might order you some on there next order.


K I'm really confused. I brought the fish to stupid *****. I asked them to test the water since I don't have a test kit. The ph was at 6.2. So the water was really aceitic. Sorry for the spelling.