No, dusters requier no special lighting.
They will need Phytoplancton however to help them thrive.
Iv played with a few and found a low current area is a place they will be happiest.
If you have a clown and no anemonie, dont be surprised if it tries to host with the Duster.
If the uster is happy it will attach itself to the sand or rock you place it on.
Dusters tube will grow slowly, layers get deposoted at the very end.
Dusters will shed their feathers, there are a few reasons for this. Iv seen it happen twice, once due to shock and once because ???. The shocked one died after crawling from its tube and getting too close to my LTA.
If your duster finds itself in a bad location, it will eject itself from the tube and go wandering. At this point they are very vunerable (especialy to anemonies darnit!) so keep an eve on it if it starts to pull from the tube.