Feather Dusters


I need some help with my feather dusters. They keep dying. I feed them
marine snow. I'm very new to this.


I set this tank up Jan. 1 . PH-8.0,ammonia-0,nitrite#2-0,nitrite#3-80. How can I lower my nitrite. A partal water change dosen't help much.

sinner's girl

do a water change no more than 25% at a time, and lower your nitrates, they should be under 20 with inverts and such.
Also, I thought you didn't have to feed feather duster? We never fed any that come on the lr, I thought they were filter feeders?


Oh, I don't know. The marine store guy said to put marine snow in the water. I was wondering if I needed to put some kind of soft fish in the center of the feather.


Active Member
dont put fish for the duster
marine snow wont hurt the duster but if u wonna feed em like that you should spot feed em
if your tank doesnt have enough pods then it will be necessary for you to feed your duster all in all i would say since u already have it why not. itll help em if starvation is part of the problem
do the changes every 3 days


Active Member
What is your specific gravity. What is your alkalinity? What sort of circulation and filtration do you have? How long do they last before dying? How do you acclimate them? What other tank inhabitants do you have?


This tank is a 29gal. I have a penguin 170 and 125. The gravity is 1,021. How do I check the Alkalilnity?
Live sand, about 30#fiji lr. light is one with the lunar lighting. big round sponge with tube for bubbles.
Live plants, mushroom coral, zoos, snails, 2 camel shrimp, 1 maroon clown, 1 damsel-blue w/yellow tail, 1 blennie, 1 goby.
I have 1 feather living. all others about 3 died. I've had it 4 or 5 months. I accamate like saltwater.com says to.


Active Member
Your specific gravity, IMO, is fatally low for many invertebrates and is at least a severe stress. It should be 1.025-1.026.


I am going to get my saltwater ready tonite and do a water change tomorrow. I will raise the gravity .
I have a red lip blennie and a diamond goby. They get alone fine.

sinner's girl

Raise sg slowly. Just add salt water as your top off water till the sg is where you want it.

the reef

do you have a protin skimmer?
also you could clean your filter media with aged aquarium watter twice a week this could help drop your nitriate levles