Feed a Cichlid to My Lionfish?


Hey All
My 5-6 inch volitan has been doing quite well with frozen silversides lately and I just gave away all my fish, except my small, 1 inch Blue Johanni. (I am NOT giving this fish away since he is a complete terror and will try to kill anything regardless of size. I won't give him back to the store for the same reason.) That being said, should I give him to my lionfish as a snack? He is a freshwater fish and so is not poisonous. I know he won't do much nutrition wise, but it would be some good sport for my lionfish. Seems a waste to just kill him...

small triggers

Active Member
Id say NO. i mean cichlids are terrors anyways,, so maybe that one is a little worse but that shouldnt mean you sentence him to death. Someone at the fish store may love him and want to put him in their aggressive FW tank.
Always try to keep fish alive even if it is an ugly mean FW fish.


Active Member
i think its cruel if u do that. bring it back to lfs and it might find a taker. it's just the cichlid's natural behavior to be a terror.


Well-Known Member
If you feed lionfish live foods, he will loose interest in eating shrimp bits.
Though, if you have a bad fish, get you some clove oil. Take the fish out and put him in a small bucket of water. Then, add about 10 to 15 drops of clove oil to the water. Clove oil is a natural anistetic, so it will basically relax him and put him to sleep, and then he won't be able to move his gills. It's the best way to put fish to sleep IMO.
You can also use clove oil for bad tooth aches. :D

small triggers

Active Member
Clove oil is also the natural alternative for flea spray. I buy it to spray on my dogs in the summer when fleas are really bad even when they are on advantage they can still track them in the house, but man the clove spray works (and is very STRONG)


I have 3 tanks of cichlids, and YES some are mean...so I keep less fish with it.....DON'T KILL IT....Everyone knows cichlids are territorial and bullies....If you don't want it, give it to someone who does...These fish are beautiful and are NOT fish food.


Active Member
Sure, cichlids are pretty; so are silversides (the lionfish food of choice), their schooling behavior is incredible. Guppies, platys, etc are raised by the zillions to feed ornamental fish, what's the difference? Feed it to the lionfish if you want, a very occasional FW feeder won't hurt the lion. My lions always each get a betta (or Beta, like they call them at *****) every Christmas.


Give the lion a little treat and throw the cichlid in. I got a tomato clown that your lion might like also. I'll ship him to you if you video it so I can watch.


Active Member
the difference between cichlids and silverside is that cichlids r much more intelligent.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
the difference between cichlids and silverside is that cichlids r much more intelligent.
I won't believe that until I see the test results! I had a tuna sandwich for lunch; where do they rank on the fish IQ scale?
Wait! I forgot about shrimp. Aren't silversides more intelligent than shrimp? If they are, we shouldn't be feeding silversides. But shrimp are more intelligent than algae. My youngest brother is even more intelligent than algae (on his good days); so we shouldn't feed shrimp either. That does it; nothing but herbivores in my tanks from now on!


I think I will feed it to him, but first I have to say something:
I LOVE THIS FORUM! So, I ask one simple question and I learn a lot of great things like how to make a fish anastetic! I would never learn something cool like that without people like you! (Learned more off this site than anywhere else.)
As for this particular Cichlid, here is why I won't return him or give him away:
This guy is the devil. Afte purchasing him, I learned that he has been returned to the store twice! I have had a lot of Blue Johanni's before, but this guy is just mean! He picks fights with anything. Including rocks, bubbles, other fish and anything else you put in you tank. EVEN MY FINGER!
He single handedly kiled my 8 inch Pleco and two 4 inch red tail sharks. All my fish are going to my assistants son, but there is no way I am letting this little devil get in another tank. (Been keeping cichlids for about 2 years and nothing has even come close to this guy!)
But thanks again guys! Your advice is always great!


Originally Posted by srfisher17
I won't believe that until I see the test results! I had a tuna sandwich for lunch; where do they rank on the fish IQ scale?
Wait! I forgot about shrimp. Aren't silversides more intelligent than shrimp? If they are, we shouldn't be feeding silversides. But shrimp are more intelligent than algae. My youngest brother is even more intelligent than algae (on his good days); so we shouldn't feed shrimp either. That does it; nothing but herbivores in my tanks from now on!
I think I use to date a girl who was dumber than algae...

Now I am married to a Doctor... Stupid Karma.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishLawyer
I think I use to date a girl who was dumber than algae...

Now I am married to a Doctor... Stupid Karma.
I dated a Pediatrician for several years; but she never wanted kids, really.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by sean48183
Give the lion a little treat and throw the cichlid in. I got a tomato clown that your lion might like also. I'll ship him to you if you video it so I can watch.

There are prey animals and predator animals. Its the way of the life. DO IT!


Originally Posted by FishLawyer
Hey All
My 5-6 inch volitan has been doing quite well with frozen silversides lately and I just gave away all my fish, except my small, 1 inch Blue Johanni. (I am NOT giving this fish away since he is a complete terror and will try to kill anything regardless of size. I won't give him back to the store for the same reason.) That being said, should I give him to my lionfish as a snack? He is a freshwater fish and so is not poisonous. I know he won't do much nutrition wise, but it would be some good sport for my lionfish. Seems a waste to just kill him...
How about this?
You ship me the fish and I'll ship you my ex-wife for your lion. I'll even throw in a bucket of salt!


Originally Posted by srfisher17
I dated a Pediatrician for several years; but she never wanted kids, really.
that makes absolute sense... LOL - The best form of birth control is spending time with someone elses kids.


I am sure that the cichid is gone by now. I just have to say that it is a bit harsh to have this fish eaten because he was mean. Some fish are just that way. At my store I had this one fish that came in just because someone didn't want him. He was a nasty fella. I had to keep him in a tank by himself. I bought mostly young fish from the distributer. I sold this guy three times. He was brought back every time. I tried adding other larger fish with him, it was a no go. I didn't have large enough tank space to spare that would make him comfortable with anyone. I liked him though for some reason. He was a mean fella, but I liked the spirit that he showed. He would look at me from across the room and look at the fish in another tank. I ended up selling him to a guy that had a 210 aggressive FW tank. I talked to that guy about a year ago, and he still has this fish. He has had him for a few years now. It was a managuense cichlid. Bold as brass fish with red eyes. Here is a pic of one. It is not the one that I had, but one that I found online. The guy named him Manny


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am sure that the cichid is gone by now. I just have to say that it is a bit harsh to have this fish eaten because he was mean. Some fish are just that way. At my store I had this one fish that came in just because someone didn't want him. He was a nasty fella. I had to keep him in a tank by himself. I bought mostly young fish from the distributer. I sold this guy three times. He was brought back every time. I tried adding other larger fish with him, it was a no go. I didn't have large enough tank space to spare that would make him comfortable with anyone. I liked him though for some reason. He was a mean fella, but I liked the spirit that he showed. He would look at me from across the room and look at the fish in another tank. I ended up selling him to a guy that had a 210 aggressive FW tank. I talked to that guy about a year ago, and he still has this fish. He has had him for a few years now. It was a managuense cichlid. Bold as brass fish with red eyes. Here is a pic of one. It is not the one that I had, but one that I found online. The guy named him Manny
+1 save the fish...no matter what...Like when I had my mean raccoon...I caught it in a nice net trap and gave it to someone....i didn't make it someone elses meal...