feeding ricordia


Active Member
i dont feed mine anything .they are under mh bulbs and are growing like crazy.got them 6 months ago at less than 1 inch and some are now 1 1/2 inch.


Active Member
I to have rics. I sometimes will drop a pellet on them but for the most part the lights are their main thing. If you want to feed them place a shrimp pellet in the middle and they should fold up. But feeding is not necessary. Good water quality, good lighting = Happy Rics......


Most of the time I DON'T DO THIS....LOL...BUT sometimes when I am feeding I will take a piece of the mysis with tweezers and place it on the ric, and it will close up on it and eat it


Active Member
flricordia fed his rics meaty foods regularly. He had some of the finest ricordeas I have ever seen. I feed mine, but not regularly.


Hard pellets or soft foods? they prefer meat foods or veggie? I just started with rics myself. I put some orange ones in my tank today and they had their mouths open after a short while I think feeding. They didn't do that until I added a drop of selcon and some filter feeder food into my tank.