feeding SPS.



From the info i have gotten by talking to people, and reading, SPS coral eat zooplankton, not phytoplankton. Is that correct, or do the small polyp stonies eat phytoplankton also?
Anyways, i have found LOTS of definitions of zooplankton, ranging from many different plankton floating in the ocean, varying in sizes, to newly hatched brine shrimp. So can SPS coral eat newly hatched baby brine shrimp. I thought they would be much too big for the little polyps, but mabye im wrong.
Thanks for the help


Active Member
I cant speak to the zooplankton or baby brine, but sps do great just on fish poo and light. many people use amino acids as well, by dosing them at night. supposed to get better polyp extension and colors.


I am also under the impression they are not phytoplankton eaters.
I use Coral Frenzy and frozen Cyclop-eeze soaked in Selcon. Of course light is a major player in their health.
I also understand they eat dissolved organic matter AKA fish poop.

Am I right or wrong? Who knows but it seems to work for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
i hv never fed my sps. i dont even feed my lps. i figure they can eat the poops.
Talk to Tizzo about feeding LPS and her results feeding her candycane/trumpet coral specifically. I have been trying to feed my LPS weekly with frozen Cyclopeeze since hearing her results.


Active Member
i don't feed my sps anything. i rely on whatever is in the water. they seem to be doing fine. i don't add any phyto to my tank.
my lps, however, i feed fairly heavily. i feed much larger foods than cyclo-peeze. pieces of chopped fish, misis, pieces of fresh shrimp....
the lps grows at an alarming rate when i do this. much faster than when i don't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
i feed much larger foods than cyclo-peeze. pieces of chopped fish, misis, pieces of fresh shrimp....
the lps grows at an alarming rate when i do this. much faster than when i don't.
What equip do you use to feed the lps the larger pieces of food? i just use an eye dropped or syringe to feed the cyclopeeze that I mix with tank water.


A medium sized turkey baster is what i always use to feed chunkier food to coral


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I feed my SPS rotifers and oyster eggs (well, I feed my tank those and the SPS consume them)
Where do you get these oyster eggs. I have heard a quite a few people say they are feeding them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
Where do you get these oyster eggs. I have heard a quite a few people say they are feeding them.
I had a mother of a time finding them no one stocks them locally so I have to buy them from a retailer out of state and have them shipped to me. you may be able to find a retailer near you. If you go to DT's site and search for retailers they can lead you to your closest retailer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I had a mother of a time finding them no one stocks them locally so I have to buy them from a retailer out of state and have them shipped to me. you may be able to find a retailer near you. If you go to DT's site and search for retailers they can lead you to your closest retailer.
Im just curious, has anyone ever ordered frozen food online before? And thanks for that store locator for DT's, Im going to check that out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Im just curious, has anyone ever ordered frozen food online before? And thanks for that store locator for DT's, Im going to check that out.
shipping might be a killer cuz they have to specailly ship it with dry ice.i tried ordereding it and found out wat shipping was and cancelled. and the free shipp over $150 don't count for frozen food...i just get all mine from my lfs..they have all the good stuff..