About the BTA's splitting, interesting. I've always found that they typically split after I let the tank parameters slip a little, and did a big WC to bring them back. I've had my current BTA not split for over a year, including two tank moves. Actually frustrating a tad, as I'd like another or two, for a couple other tanks.
About overfeed, err feeding every other day, I'd be careful. Anemones don't have really complex digestive systems. If you ever feed one too big a food you know what I mean, like a whole silverside. Sure they will take it, but after a day or two, I've always found a half digested silverside rolling around. I would worry food everyday for anemones used to meals only once a blue moon in the wild, going undigested.
Most of an anemone's diet comes from it's symbiotic relation with zooxanthellae, just like corals. Feeding should be what it is, purely supplemental.