Feelings on Antonio Davis


I think this whole Antonio Davis thing has gone to far. He was worried for the safety of his family which is completely understandable. He still got suspended for five games. Now the Fan is sueing him for 1 million dollars and wants an apology. Sorry, but I think that's completely retarded. If Antonio Davis wanted to do anything to that stupid idoit he would've. That guy very easily could've got his

kicked then could've sued. Any opinions on this besides mine. :mad:


Active Member
I can’t say that I’ve followed this story closely but being in the Chicago land area it has been on the news a lot and I’ve gathered this much. Antonio’s wife is rather rowdy at games, she accused this guy of putting his hands on her and accused him of being drunk (none of which was true). What he wants is an apology and I think he is should get it. The apology should not come from Antonio because I don’t feel he did anything wrong but his wife should make amends.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kellyryan
I think sports in general is retarded.

I can't say I agree with you and I think you are in the minority here. However, I think what we pay to go sporting events is retarded and the piles of money pro sports make off us are sickening.


Jmick, I completely agree with you. If this is her fault she should apologize. I don't balme Antonio Davis for doing what he did. The kid is tryin to sue for like slander and something else. The initial amount was 1 million now it's gone higher then that. I guess the kids dad is high up in some politics or something. If it's her she needs to relax or not go to game away from home.


Originally Posted by Bailey52
Im lost in the classroom... whats going on....??
Antonio Davis, who plays for the kicks, seen his wife and kid in the stands being threatened. He thought they were being threatened at least. So he jumped the scores table on a time out in over time to go confront the guy and protect his family. Antonio was ejected from the game and is suspended for 5 games by the league. Now the kid in the stands wants to sue Antonio for slander!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Antonio Davis, who plays for the kicks, seen his wife and kid in the stands being threatened. He thought they were being threatened at least. So he jumped the scores table on a time out in over time to go confront the guy and protect his family. Antonio was ejected from the game and is suspended for 5 games by the league. Now the kid in the stands wants to sue Antonio for slander!
I want to know what Davis, or his wife, did that was slanderous. I doubt the lawsuit would hold up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I can't say I agree with you and I think you are in the minority here. However, I think what we pay to go sporting events is retarded and the piles of money pro sports make off us are sickening.
The price is sickening and ridiculous!!! The amount of money that athletes make today is disgusting as well...
Professional athletes need to act as such, PROFESSIONAL... this could have escalated into another Artest incedent... under no circumstance should an athlete put himself/herself in the area of the fans... he should have gotten the attention of security... I understand that he was going to protect his wife and he did what any good man should do, but rules are rules he broke them and now he is paying for it... 5 game suspension...
the heckler only wants an apology and has dropped the threat of any law suit...


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I want to know what Davis, or his wife, did that was slanderous. I doubt the lawsuit would hold up.
I guess he yelled at the player or something. From the clip that I've seen though it doesn't look like he yells or anything. It looks to me that he is being completely civil and just tryin to figure out what's going on and calm the situation down. They kid is also claiming Antonio's wife poked him in the face. That's the other part of the law suit. They're saying he's sueing for slander and battery.


Originally Posted by ruaround
The price is sickening and ridiculous!!! The amount of money that athletes make today is disgusting as well...
Professional athletes need to act as such, PROFESSIONAL... this could have escalated into another Artest incedent... under no circumstance should an athlete put himself/herself in the area of the fans... he should have gotten the attention of security... I understand that he was going to protect his wife and he did what any good man should do, but rules are rules he broke them and now he is paying for it... 5 game suspension...
the heckler only wants an apology and has dropped the threat of any law suit...



Active Member
i'm glad Davis got 5 games.
while he was protecting his family, he still should not have left the court. if i was in the same situation, i also would have left the court, but understood that i was breaking a major nba rule and accept whatever comes to me.
i think he only got 5 games because he was peaceful- a right offset the wrong.


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i'm glad Davis got 5 games.
while he was protecting his family, he still should not have left the court. if i was in the same situation, i also would have left the court, but understood that i was breaking a major nba rule and accept whatever comes to me.
i think he only got 5 games because he was peaceful- a right offset the wrong.
I agree 5 games isn't bad at all. He's also the head of the National Basketball Players Association. I think his standing in that also helped in the decision of his suspension. I'm just curious to see what happens with this idiot fan. Fans are out of control at games a lot of the time. Us men at sports are crazy when its our team and then you mix alcohol into the mix and it gets crazy.
I was just at the Jazz vs. Sixers game over the holdiays. I live in Utah and am a huge sixers fan. I was on the 8th row and good thing we had a bunch of people with us or i'm sure there was gonna be a brawl. It's crazy at those games in person.


Active Member
i agree-
as a die hard ranger fan, i have attended many ranger/devil games.
but i do have to say- most of these people that get all nutty at the games are losers.
how old are you that you cant behave? alcohol is no excuse.


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i agree-
as a die hard ranger fan, i have attended many ranger/devil games.
but i do have to say- most of these people that get all nutty at the games are losers.
how old are you that you cant behave? alcohol is no excuse.
No kiddin people are out of control. The game was way close and of course I have my Iverson jersey on and people are freakin out. Everytime the Jazz would do somethin good the guy a few rows in front of us would stand up turn around and point at like like 10 times lol. His son kept tryin to make him sit down. It was so funny, but intense games, testosterone (sp??), and alcohol do not mix well at all.
If Antonio Davis doesn't win the lawsuit I'll be pissed. It' just goes back to our sue happy country. The courts always side with the complete jack asses too!


I have a feeling that when this kids father saw that the 1 million figure was going to make him look bad (ie money hungry), they decided to scale it down and ask for an apology and a donation to charity. Very politically correct and smart for a poitician-type.
Also, I think that the 5 games was just. They set a precedent last year with Artest and his buddies, so they had to give Davis something. Granted he didn't do anything, but the potential for madness was sufficiently raised when he left the court. All it would take is another stupid fan (one who actually is drunk maybe) to throw a beer or a fist and the NBA would be in BIG trouble. AD is a pretty standup guy and I don't think he meant to encite a riot or anything, but he should still be suspended.


Oh yeah, from the clip I saw, it looks like his wife was the one doing most of the jawing. It looked like she was talking down to him almost - she put her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head, pointed her finger etc... I imagine she was saying something along the lines of "oh know you didn't!"
at least this brings the press off of larry f-ing brown's back for a while


All accounts say that Davis was calm and civil about the whole thing. If he'd just run up screaming and attacking without finding out what was going on first like a mature adult I'd think differently. But as it is I agree with COWFISHRULE. He did what he felt he needed to do and I would've done the same if it were my family knowing that I'd at least get a slap on the wrist and accept it with grace.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
I guess he yelled at the player or something. From the clip that I've seen though it doesn't look like he yells or anything. It looks to me that he is being completely civil and just tryin to figure out what's going on and calm the situation down. They kid is also claiming Antonio's wife poked him in the face. That's the other part of the law suit. They're saying he's sueing for slander and battery.
There was no battery. So that is thrown out.
There was no slander as Davis' comments were one person appeared drunk and the other was yelling at his wife. No names were mentioned by Davis. So there was no slander.
Case closed.
I would tell the politician's son to get bent.