Felt/Fleece for filtering


In my sump there is a top tray that the water from the protein skimmer runs through before it gets to refuge....In that tray I have always kept a small piece of 50/50 micron....
WELL that feels like a piece of felt to me...so today I bought a yard of white felt/fleece from the craft department...LOL...It was $2.77 compared to $18 that the fish suppliers charges.
QUESTION: ANYone ever use this?


Active Member
I can't say I know it's safe.... I can only say I've used it. I used it for years on my tank but I truly don't know if there is anything harmful manufactured into the material.

shrimpy brains

At first, I thought you were crazy!

Then, I thought, I use white washcloths and papertowels to clean my tank, so, as long as there are no dies in it, why not?
Then Cranberry says she uses it, so now I'm thinking.
Thanks for the idea!!


LOL....Everytime I cut a piece of the micron to fit, I kept on thinking it was just like a piece of felt...so why not...BIGGGGG price difference...I mean we use batting from the craft dept...
and as you said too....it's not dyed....so why not
p.s....I'm crazy too....lol


Active Member
Remember I can't say I know it's safe. I no longer use it because I don't have trickle filters, but I used it for years in the past. I would buy it off the big ole roll at Walmart.
Remember I can't say I know it's safe.
Remember I can't say I know it's safe.


UHHHH Cranberry what'd ya say...LOL
Well I bought it anyway, but figured I'd get some opinions too.....

shrimpy brains

Ummm... Cranberry, are you in some line of work where your subject to major lawsuits??

In case you didn't catch the disclaimer, I think Cranberry is trying to tell us that she does'nt exactly know that felt/fleece is safe for use in aquarium.........or something like that!!


All I can say is when I make felt, in order for it to be white I have to bleach it :D I may be concerned with the chemical process of making the felt, but then again...I never looked into the process they use for making other materials I've used for the tray in my filter lol.


Active Member
I havent used felt, but have used poly fiber fill and quilt batting. I just check the lable to make sure its 100 percent poly
I cant say I know its safe



Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I havent used felt, but have used poly fiber fill and quilt batting. I just check the lable to make sure its 100 percent poly
I cant say I know its safe

Another comedienne...lol
I have not used it yet...BUT I also use the batting stuff...so why not???


Hey, how about the pink panther insulation used in the attics and walls??? Just kidding everyone!!!


i have been using this felt for almost 2 months now....I change it every other day...sometimes more...sometimes less....I still have quite a bit left too....I have noticed no adverse reactions in my tank...
SOOOOOO...for $2.77 I would say it is wellllll worth it...


New Member
Hi guy's. I have been using this roll of pink/white poly fiber in my wet/dry. I bought the product off e-bay but they said it was safe for aquariums. Has anybody used this stuff? You guys are making me think....


LOL...I also use low loft quilters batting....I bought a bag in March....for like $5....I still havethe same bag...I also change this stuff out every few days...


Active Member
I use 100% polyester quilters batting AS long as its NOT fire retardant. the only way to make polyester fire retardant is with chemicals. DO NOT USE ANY craft store fabrics or battings that say fire retardant. unfortunatly finding the old stuff that is highly flammable is getting harder. usually the cheaper the batting is the less likely it is to be fire retardant. but read the packaging.