fess up who is overcrowded but doing great

I love fish inverts and coral as much as anyone but I want to see some lists and hear some success stories of those who may be a bit overcrowded but are doing great. How do you do it? How often do you test? water change-how much20 30%? what special ways do you have to fight ammonia and nitrate/trite? I have 7 snails 4 hermits 3 fish and two ricordia polyps in a 24 gal nano dx with great results. Would love to have more but....you know just need a bigger tank....always a bigger tank just a different kind of drug


as long as you dont add all your fish and inverts at the same time your tank will be able to handle the bioload.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xcdennisx
as long as you dont add all your fish and inverts at the same time your tank will be able to handle the bioload.
Thats not true. Every system has its limits and those limits shouldnt be pushed. If your tank is fine than why add more? Don't push it until there is a problem. 3 fish in a 24 is fine I would just add more coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MBintraining
I love fish inverts and coral as much as anyone but I want to see some lists and hear some success stories of those who may be a bit overcrowded but are doing great. How do you do it? How often do you test? water change-how much20 30%? what special ways do you have to fight ammonia and nitrate/trite? I have 7 snails 4 hermits 3 fish and two ricordia polyps in a 24 gal nano dx with great results. Would love to have more but....you know just need a bigger tank....always a bigger tank just a different kind of drug
what are your 3 fish? cuz thats not overcrowding at all unless they're big fish, i have 5 in my 29 right now and still am planning on adding atleast 1, i have great filtration and water changes happen alot, and they are all small and give off little bioload.


ive been blasted on this site before cause of my overcrowded tank, but my tanks about 2 years old now and never had any problems. i got a 24 gallon tank, wit 2 clowns, a coral beauty, sixline wrasse, valentini puffer and a 1.5inch niger trigger. so use can blast me again but to be honest i dont care. and im sure theres other ppl out dere wit more overcrowded tanks, so fess up kids,


camillo....none of the fish you stated are really that bad except the niger trigger... its a give and take...you are holding back a fish that gets over a foot long in a 24g tank...he may not grow fast but you are stunting his growth...meaning deceasing his life by ALOT... not a flame towards you but to better inform you of the fish in your tank..


Originally Posted by MiamiReefr
camillo....none of the fish you stated are really that bad except the niger trigger... its a give and take...you are holding back a fish that gets over a foot long in a 24g tank...he may not grow fast but you are stunting his growth...meaning deceasing his life by ALOT... not a flame towards you but to better inform you of the fish in your tank..
no i noe that none of the fish in my tank are really that bad, but i was given the idea that around 3 fish was pushing it in a tank my size. and as for the niger trigger, i dont want never did, it was a gift, and if i get rid of it so soon i could offend someone, so im stuk wit him for a while.
I only have 3 fish false perc, scooter(stellate) dragonet also called scooter blenny by some, and a firefish but want more colorful swimmers that go through and around rock but arent aggressive my fire and clown swim next 2 each ohter peacefully I have pods for the dragonet 4 hermits and 8 astrea/turbos combined two peices of ricordia (green and blue) will add more coral Would love to get a citron clown goby and one blue reef damsel and a green damsel heard they would school together I am diligent about 10 -20 % water change weekly perams are sg 1.026 ph 8.2 temp 82 nitrates 0 nitrites 0 ammonia 0 Suggestions welcome Sorry if you get blasted by others if you respond just need to know how more fish works for some I know most would say you have a good thing don't break it I just want more fish need to make educated decision If I can keep up with it and perams stay good what is the harm MBintraining

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by MiamiReefr
camillo....none of the fish you stated are really that bad except the niger trigger... its a give and take...you are holding back a fish that gets over a foot long in a 24g tank...he may not grow fast but you are stunting his growth...meaning deceasing his life by ALOT... not a flame towards you but to better inform you of the fish in your tank..
coral beauty's need a 55, valentini's need a 55, nigers need like.. 150+, they get 20 inches.. that would basically bust his tank..

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
coral beauty's need a 55, valentini's need a 55, nigers need like.. 150+, they get 20 inches.. that would basically bust his tank..

A Coral Beauty does not need a 55 gallon, neither does a Valentini.....
A Coral Beauty and a Valentini should be okay in a 24 gallon (not sure what the footprint is). A 29 would be better, but they should be fine.

30-xtra high

Active Member
ok.. coral beauties need a lot of rockwork, about 50lbs+, they also need a little bit of swimming room, if s/he put 50+lbs of liverock in his 25 there would be no swimming room at all.. if he could even get the rock in.. also the valentini (with his other fish) would need a 55, because of the waste produced.. 4 fish is alot in a 24.. adding a messy fish such as a valentini is way way to much of a bioload, i guess if it was his only fish it'd be fiune.. but he's got other 3-4 inch fish..


Originally Posted by TX Reef
A Coral Beauty does not need a 55 gallon, neither does a Valentini.....
A Coral Beauty and a Valentini should be okay in a 24 gallon (not sure what the footprint is). A 29 would be better, but they should be fine.
I just created a thread about putting a flame angel and a maroon clown in my 24g aquapod and which I should add first over in the fish discussion forum and 90% of the responses are 'you cant put either of those in a 24g.' I just want to say 'no offence but Im not asking wether or not they can go in a 24g but rather if I could add the flame angel first and the maroon later.' Anyway, I appreciate your input. Its nice to see someone going outside the box who isnt afraid to speak up.


Originally Posted by camillo
ive been blasted on this site before cause of my overcrowded tank, but my tanks about 2 years old now and never had any problems. i got a 24 gallon tank, wit 2 clowns, a coral beauty, sixline wrasse, valentini puffer and a 1.5inch niger trigger. so use can blast me again but to be honest i dont care. and im sure theres other ppl out dere wit more overcrowded tanks, so fess up kids,

:scared: lol (just kidding) im still a newb u should have seen my first fishlist


Active Member
lol thats what I hate about this hobby. " Ive done it so its right" I dont care if your tank has been up for 6 years. There are ways to do things appropriately and overstocking is not something that should be done and deffinately is not something to be proud of. This thread is basically a bunch of people trying to get advice from other people who make mistakes knowingly so that they feel better about it themselves. I guess if 5 people have this fish in their tank than it doesnt matter how many books and websites say its not. Its reasons like this that I think you should have to have a liscense of own a fish tank. I am sorry but this thread is worthless and I feel bad for anybody who came to this thread looking for advice. A flame angel, puffer and niger in a 24 is way overstocked and I feel bad for your fish. I dont care if it was a gift it is your responsibility. You dont want to hurt their feelings? Grow up. Think about all the healthy dogs living in kennels. They are just as healthy as my dogs that are free to roam but do you honestly think they are at all happy?


Originally Posted by team2jndd
lol thats what I hate about this hobby. " Ive done it so its right" I dont care if your tank has been up for 6 years. There are ways to do things appropriately and overstocking is not something that should be done and deffinately is not something to be proud of. This thread is basically a bunch of people trying to get advice from other people who make mistakes knowingly so that they feel better about it themselves. I guess if 5 people have this fish in their tank than it doesnt matter how many books and websites say its not. Its reasons like this that I think you should have to have a liscense of own a fish tank. I am sorry but this thread is worthless and I feel bad for anybody who came to this thread looking for advice. A flame angel, puffer and niger in a 24 is way overstocked and I feel bad for your fish. I dont care if it was a gift it is your responsibility. You dont want to hurt their feelings? Grow up. Think about all the healthy dogs living in kennels. They are just as healthy as my dogs that are free to roam but do you honestly think they are at all happy?

hey team2jndd, at the end of the day i pay for my fish, and if i wanna overstock abit i should be allowed to, this thread isnt for ppl like you, its for ppl who have the guts to not care about way ppl like u say to them. and dont try saying u feel bad for my fish cause if u cared at all about fish u wouldnt keep an aquarium at all, ud leave them in the ocean where they belong, so how bout u grow up for heavens sake, im not gonna put my life before that of a fish, if it has to put up with a small tank for a while too bad for him, i have to put up with losers like you and noone has a cry for me.


Active Member
Actually yes kennel trainned dogs are very happy. Its the proper way to break a new puppy in. The space they inhabit becomes their own and because it is limited in size they learn not to "go" where they sleep thus helping the whole house breaking issue. In a short time the kennel starts to aquire their scent and they actually love to be in it. My 2 dogs, 10 and 11 yrs of age cant wait to get into their kennels. Its their home away from home while we are at work. I have trainned all my dogs since I have had them as pups. My 9 mo old pup walks no leash not one step ahead of me. And spends his days in his kennel when we are at work. Bad comparason IMO, but that is another topic.
Learning about this hobby IMO there are sooo may different ways that people do things that it is really difficult to cast in stone True Right from True Wrong. Everyones version is more of an opinion and a choice. I have a Fresh water aquarium that is indeed over stocked 30gal with 7 fish in 2 Kribensas, 2 bolivian rams, 2 botia's, a green terror oh 8 and a Ornate Bichir. But to me I know when the Green Terror gets bigger than all the rest I will relocate him and the same with the ornate. I will be the first to admit i am a rule breaker. I put 2 fish in my SW tank less than 24 hours after start up not damsels either a scooter blenny and a Royal Gramma. 2 weeks later every one is healthy and happy. I used BioSpira to cycle my tank and although there will be some ammonia spikes here and there I said what the heck lets try it. Break a few eggs learn from your mistakes and start again. Truth is all lessons cant be taught in school. I say try what you want if you pull it off good for you. If not chaulk it up as experience. People who follow the rules of what is written never push forward to be leaders. Anyway thats my 2 cents. Although I dont think I am going to over stock my SW tank, my fresh water one is a tad crowded. GOOD LUCK.


This thread is stupid and it just makes me feel bad for some of the poor animals. Although they may "seem" fine , they arent probobly. Imagine a small house and pack it with 50 people. You would live - but you wouldnt be happy.