fess up who is overcrowded but doing great


PEOPLE STOP FIGHTING! Are adults really that stupid sometimes? If you don't want a fight and call eachother badnames The Supporters vs the Flammers it doesn't matter!
Ur not going to make him do better choices by bragging about coral and saying he overstocked ur coral.Truthfully majority of aquarists DO overstock there fish tanks without a problem!
I don't think a 2.5inch thing would feel cramped if it can swoosh around and hide just fine!
I really am disgusted that you flame eachother like this.Why can you just think they are doing the wrong thing,so far NO ONE actually knows what fish can be fine in.This hobby is still new!
I really do think you can keep these thoughts to urself.The person with the guy wit the smushed lip thing avatar,You don't need to say how he's so bad and you are this that isn't how you end something like this.I do think that there is not really such thing as overstocking.
You are just really all exagherrating.
This thread is no one's fault I can see why Camarillo would be posting that stuff when he/she is that mad


thankyou seattle finally someone who understands and is abit open minded, im not here for a fight but i cant help but reply to the overcrowding police that are in here.


Active Member
lol seattle no offense but you are 12 years old. Most people on this site have had fish tanks longer than you have been alive. This is not a new hobby so i dont know where that came from? I think you should just stay out of this one.


Active Member
Ok, I feel like saying SOMETHING...... Their are two types of overcrowding, the kind where you have a 20g tank with 7 small fish, or the type with a 20g and you have 2 extremely large fish... does this make sense? Its one thing to put too many fish in a tank and another to put too big of a fish in a tank, it seems this is an arguement more based on the big fish in little tank. I see putting maybe a few too many small fish in a tank O.K. if their requirements are met but putting say a tang in a 20g, thats where its no longer O.K. . I didnt read the entire thread for its basically a broken record but thats my 2 cents.


Originally Posted by Seattle

No one is fighting. We're just sharing our opinions

Seattle said:
Are adults really that stupid sometimes?[/quotes]
Adults can be stupid, yes. However, no one is being stupid on this thread. Some of us just happen to think that the others are misinformed and still have a lot to learn about this hobby.
Originally Posted by Seattle
If you don't want a fight and call eachother badnames The Supporters vs the Flammers it doesn't matter!
So far, only one person has called names and that was the OP (Original Poster). No one is "flaming."
Originally Posted by Seattle
Ur not going to make him do better choices by bragging about coral and saying he overstocked ur coral.
You have me a little confused here. No one is saying that the OP over-stocked his coral...
Originally Posted by Seattle

Truthfully majority of aquarists DO overstock there fish tanks without a problem!

While this may be true, the real question and issue here is are their fish living in their fullest potential?
Originally Posted by Seattle

I don't think a 2.5inch thing would feel cramped if it can swoosh around and hide just fine!
A 2.5 inch fish wouldn't feel cramped in the right environment. However, you can't have, say, five or six 2.5 inch fish live comfortably and stress-free in a twenty gallon tank.
Originally Posted by Seattle
Seattle said:
I really am disgusted that you flame eachother like this.
Again, no one is flaming; just sharing opinions. It becomes flaming when people start calling names or when they run off of emotions and not logic.
Originally Posted by Seattle
Why can you just think they are doing the wrong thing,
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you meant here...?
Originally Posted by Seattle
so far NO ONE actually knows what fish can be fine in.
Not true. There have been years upon years (upon years, upon...) of studies on different sized fish in different sized environments. Even SWF, for example, tells you the appropriate sized tank for each fish in their stock. Other websites will even go so far as giving you a comatibility chart, so you can make sure your newest addition won't beat up on the others.
Originally Posted by Seattle
This hobby is still new!
While the hobby of marine reef- and fish-keeping may be more popular, it is not new. It has been around for a long time, and there are many people on this board alone, who have been "reefing" for fifty-plus years.
Originally Posted by Seattle

I really do think you can keep these thoughts to urself.
But that's the beauty of being an American- you don't have to keep your thoughts to yourself, especially in cyber-space

Originally Posted by Seattle

The person with the guy wit the smushed lip thing avatar,You don't need to say how he's so bad and you are this that isn't how you end something like this.
Team2jndd is not saying that Camillo is a bad person. He is simply trying to help, by telling Camillo that he hasn't exactly done the right thing in this post, or by over-stocking his tank...
Originally Posted by Seattle

I do think that there is not really such thing as overstocking.

And round and round we go ***) />
Originally Posted by Seattle
You are just really all exagherrating.

Originally Posted by Seattle
This thread is no one's fault

You're right!
Originally Posted by Seattle

I can see why Camarillo would be posting that stuff when he/she is that mad

Camillo isn't mad; just trying to find others who over-stock as well, so he/she can feel better about it.
Just because one person is successful in something, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
Hitler was successful in annihilating millions of people because he thought they were less human than he was. Does that make him right? Does that mean one of us can do that because he was successful?


Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
when you say "going outside the box".. do mean you like him because he said what you wanted to hear.. i don't know if you know this.. but the term "go outside the box", means be creative.. do you consider wrong outside the box? if so then i guess what you said makes sense.. if you think being wrong is creative..
its obvious you only listen to what you want to hear.. considering everybody told you no.. and when somebody said yes you thanked them and said they were going outside the box..
Going out side the box means that most people on this site would rather keep their attempts at something not recomended to them selves because of all the illicit flaming that is sure to take place. I commend that. Nothing more. Now why dont you go practice your perry mason routine. You've almost got it down. I hear someones going to put a tang in a 30g, oh geez! Get your paper and pens, that man needs a ticket.


Originally Posted by nYgel
did you just compare the holocaust to overstocking a fish tank?

Perhaps the comparison seems a little kooky, but the point is legit:
Just because one person is successful at something or just because one way of doing things works for someone else doesn't necessarily mean it's right.
Hilter was successful at annihilating millions of people.
Some people are successful with over-stocking their tanks.
Does that make either of them right?
Does that make what they've done or what they do right?

I realize that those who do over-stock their tanks will probably go on doing so, for a variety of resons (i.e. money, or lack of concern) but I do hope that those who are on this board are
here to learn how to become responsible "reefers." :happyfish


Active Member
i understood it, just felt that was a little... you know.... trying to make it seem worse by putting a horrible event next to the topic.


Active Member
There are two kinds of people on this site. There are those who share experience and those who share opinions. It is your opinion that its healthy for those fish to be in your tanks but it is others experience that it isn't right.


just to settle this debate, i apologize if i called anyone names, and a messege to kanicky, first of all im not here to find other ppl who have overstocked to make myself feel better, i was merely replying to the origninal poster which was not me, as they asked ppl to fess up if they have an overcrowded tank. i jus got the impression that u think i started the thread wen i didnt. and then as to comparing overcrowding a tank to the holocaust, i think this is jus outrageous and really sad, hitler started a war over promoting the arians and killing jews, and it sounds like ur fanatical enough to start one over overcrowded fish tanks. i noe ur comparisons works in a way, but its just too out of context. if u read my previous posts ull see i do noe that wat im doing is rong, and if u read previous threads ive started and been involved in ull also see that i was worried about my fish to begin with. however those thoughts have changed, i care about having healthy fish and a healthy tank, but not to the point were i need to get myself soo worried that im gonna make myself ill over a fish. it just seems that there are ppl here who would stop their whole lives to make their fish happy. i guess use jus have to get used to the fact that theirs ppl in the world who do this hobby for their own benefit and wont carry out the rules to the same extent that others do. im not tryin to make myself feel better by finding ppl who are doin the same thing, i really dont care what other ppl do or think, i jus do wat i want, and i repeat i did not start this thread and im merely answering to it.


I already explained the Hitler/Over-stocking post. The point is, there are some people that do things that wind up working for a while. However, just because something "works" does not always necessarily mean that it's right.
I am not "fanatical" and I don't spend every minute of my day worrying about whether my fish are happy or not. However, as I've said previously, I do care about the over-all, long-term happiness and healthiness of my fish, so I do my best to give them a proper environment.
I'm sure you care about your fish, too, but there were a few times in this thread where you came off in a way I don't think you meant to. I am not part of the "Tang Police" on this or any other forum, nor do I "flame" every time I see or hear of someone over-stocking, but this thread seemed to just be a child's way of justifying something that they know isn't exactly "kosher."
Anyway, no hard feelings. We're all here to learn and to grow.
Happy tanking!


geez kanicky you obviously have little experience in saltwater and have obviously never seen a beautiful tank exploding with coral.did you know that on the reefs 95% of the life is on or in 5% of rock?????
Bottom line Do water changes,Add Dt's or marine snow,dont slack on maintenance or water changes,NEVER add chemicals,any educated person who is willing to pick up a book can tell you this.ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
There are two kinds of people on this site. There are those who share experience and those who share opinions. It is your opinion that its healthy for those fish to be in your tanks but it is others experience that it isn't right.
I agree. Very well said. Overstocking is not outside the box thinking. When someone overstocks a tank they are not merely contradicting the opinions of hobbiests. They are contradicting science and marine biologists as "they" are the ones who come up with tank size recommendations.
This thread is like me starting a thread called "who keeps 3 rottweilers, a german shepard, 2 schnaussers and a poodle in a 6ft by 6ft room and is proud of it." It's the same concept.


Originally Posted by team2jndd
lol seattle no offense but you are 12 years old. Most people on this site have had fish tanks longer than you have been alive. This is not a new hobby so i dont know where that came from? I think you should just stay out of this one.
Wow! I was enjoying this debate until folks started throwing shots at a KID. Stay out of this one? And go where? I find it refreshing that a youngster would engage in healthy discussion as apposed to mindless babble on other places on the internet. Yay for Seattle! "Had fish tanks longer than you have been alive" Low blow Mr. smushy face guy!

O.K. back to the debate.
P.S I only have 1 Royal Gramma in my Aqua pod 24. Is this understocking?