fess up who is overcrowded but doing great



Just curious...why even join and use this forum if you aren't going to take the excellent advice from people who have been doing this for many, many years??? Isn't that what this forum is for, to ask questions, learn, and also have fun showing your tank (can't wait to start my tank diary once it's up and running :jumping: )???


Originally Posted by camillo
hey team2jndd, at the end of the day i pay for my fish, and if i wanna overstock abit i should be allowed to,
Well, this is America... Home of the free and the... well, you know how it goes.
Originally Posted by camillo
this thread isnt for ppl like you, its for ppl who have the guts to not care about way ppl like u say to them.
No, it's a thread for people like YOU, who, as it was pointed out earlier, want to justify the over-stocking of your tank
Originally Posted by camillo
and dont try saying u feel bad for my fish cause if u cared at all about fish u wouldnt keep an aquarium at all, ud leave them in the ocean where they belong,
That's kind of a lame arguement. At least the people who care about the overall, long-term happiness and healthiness of their fish keep them in the appropriate sized environment.
Originally Posted by camillo

so how bout u grow up for heavens sake, im not gonna put my life before that of a fish,
First of all, your life isn't on the line, and no one is asking you to take back-burner to your fish. Instead, they're asking you to make their care equal
to your own.
Originally Posted by camillo

if it has to put up with a small tank for a while too bad for him, i have to put up with losers like you and noone has a cry for me.
It's people who think like you that have no business taking care of another living being, human or otherwise.


I think kanicky just changed his phaser from stun to kill. even if I dont agree with everything. ***)


Aquarium fish are products, not human beings. While it is great to give them as much comfort as possible, there ultimate happiness is not my concern.
As long as they are not sick, and swimming around decently it is kosher. I prefer to max my tank as much as possible, without causing a crash.


Active Member
Thank you kanicky. And best of luck to all of you who are proud of your overstocking. I keep forgetting to remind myself that some of us are fish enthusiasts and others will always be the little boy in the fish store banging on the glass. I guess its time I grow up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MBintraining
I love fish inverts and coral as much as anyone but I want to see some lists and hear some success stories of those who may be a bit overcrowded but are doing great. How do you do it? How often do you test? water change-how much20 30%? what special ways do you have to fight ammonia and nitrate/trite? I have 7 snails 4 hermits 3 fish and two ricordia polyps in a 24 gal nano dx with great results. Would love to have more but....you know just need a bigger tank....always a bigger tank just a different kind of drug
I have a 54 corner with ~80LBS of rock with a scopas,spotted puffer, huma huma, panther grouper and coral beauty. I had a thread a while back that had about 100 posts with 1/2 flaming. This is my most stable tank. I do not know why but my nitrates never go above 10 and I only do 10 g changes about every 4-5 weeks. I do have a fuge and about 50 stlaks of silver xynia. Panther is now 3.5 inches so he will have to go some day. I wouldn't have a problem with adding another small, small fish, but I don't want to upset the 5 muskateers.


Active Member
you aren't overstocked yet... However, most of those fish will get too big. My panther grew from 1.5 inches to about 6.5 in less than two years. I had to give him up. Nice scopas though.


Originally Posted by Firstborn
Aquarium fish are products, not human beings.
Products? Hmm, funny. They breathe, eat, drink, poop, pee, are active, serve a purpose in their environment, feel fear and probably contentment, get angry and aggressive, amongst tons of other things, much similar to humans, or at least cats and dogs, or other pets, and yet they're still products?? :notsure:


As a side note: I'm not trying to "flame" anyone, and I do realize that there are some people that care more about their fish than others, however, it is my belief that any "being" under your care, whether it be a newborn baby or a baby clownfish, deserves equal care and consideration.
Just my $.02...and some other pennies thrown in


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kanicky
As a side note: I'm not trying to "flame" anyone, and I do realize that there are some people that care more about their fish than others, however, it is my belief that any "being" under your care, whether it be a newborn baby or a baby clownfish, deserves equal care and consideration.
Just my $.02...and some other pennies thrown in

It never ceases to amaze me that people think the difference between a "happy" fish and a sad fish is 20-50 gallons. Old argument, but the ocean is actually really big. It is more about water quality. A tang can live in a 5 gallon tank, a tang can not live in a 120G cess pool.


lol i cant believe wat ive created in this thread. ppl are saying they dont intend to "flame" anyone. but it is very clear thats wat there doing. all of us who have overcrowded tanks are using this site for the same reasons as others, to learn and seek advice from others, but it jus pees me off to see ppl who think they are some how superior because they loove there fish soo much and cant stand to hurt the poor things feelings. i set up my aquarium for my benifit, because i like looking at fish, and i pay for my fish, my fish dont pay me to look after them. i wouldnt go as far as saying fish are products, but they are my property, and as long as there alive and look good, in my oponion they are healthy, who cares about happy, im not happy in my small house, but noones gonna buy me a bigger one. as for the person who said, its ppl like me who shouldnt be taking care of any living thing, from humans to fish, u have completly lost it, if u wanna compare looking after a fish to raisng children and loving a family ur a complete fool, and i think u were the same person who said a baby and a fish should be cared for equally, so i say dis to u, if u really want to do the best thing by ur fish through them in the ocean were they belong, im pretty sure god didnt create fish to be housed in an aquarium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by camillo
lol i cant believe wat ive created in this thread. ppl are saying they dont intend to "flame" anyone. but it is very clear thats wat there doing. all of us who have overcrowded tanks are using this site for the same reasons as others, to learn and seek advice from others, but it jus pees me off to see ppl who think they are some how superior because they loove there fish soo much and cant stand to hurt the poor things feelings. i set up my aquarium for my benifit, because i like looking at fish, and i pay for my fish, my fish dont pay me to look after them. i wouldnt go as far as saying fish are products, but they are my property, and as long as there alive and look good, in my oponion they are healthy, who cares about happy, im not happy in my small house, but noones gonna buy me a bigger one. as for the person who said, its ppl like me who shouldnt be taking care of any living thing, from humans to fish, u have completly lost it, if u wanna compare looking after a fish to raisng children and loving a family ur a complete fool, and i think u were the same person who said a baby and a fish should be cared for equally, so i say dis to u, if u really want to do the best thing by ur fish through them in the ocean were they belong, im pretty sure god didnt create fish to be housed in an aquarium.
Creating a thread like this isnt a learning experience. You arent taking advice you are trying to prove a point that it can be done. And grumpy gills the difference of 50 gallons to a fish the size of your fist is like an addition to your house. You lived in your house before you put the addition on and you were fine and healthy but you just wanted more room. Whats the difference with this? Now here is my question. If it makes sense to put these fish in such small tanks, than why is it that the most experienced reefers always go for the biggest possible tanks? Ask Steve Weast if he would be ok with his fish being taken from his tank and put into yours.


first of all i didnt create this thread, but i think its the best one ive taken part of so far cause of how entertaining it is. im not trying to prove to u all why i have an overcrowded tank, i noe its the rong thing to do, im jus saying that i dont particularly care at this point, my tank is doing fine and my fish are alive, when i start having trouble, which i think will be soon, then ill worry. but i still wanna stress the point that u are all so sympathetic for ur fish and wanna make out that use are fish whisperers or sumthin, but at the end of the day, no matter how big ur tank is, the ocean is the biggest tank in the world. so u see i already new that i had inappropriate fish in my tank, and i new wat could happen, so im not tryin to prove myself to anyone, i jus dont care if i have one too many fish and ill only do sumthin about it wen sumthin goes rong, and i dont care about ur friend mr weast, cause im not tryin to be the best aquariast in the world i jus wanna have a good looking tank.


sorry i forgot to add sumthing, i would never put a tang in a 5 gallon tank for obvious reasons. my niger trigger isnt even 1.5 inches big, and he is goin to find a new home soon. i wasnt tryin to come across as someone who noes nothin about fish and jus dosnt give a crap, im jus prepared to break the rules abit if its gonna make my life abit easier and make my tank look better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by camillo
i noe its the rong thing to do, im jus saying that i dont particularly care at this point, my tank is doing fine and my fish are alive, when i start having trouble, which i think will be soon, then ill worry.
i wasnt tryin to come across as someone who noes nothin about fish and jus dosnt give a crap,
Its apparent that you know very little about fish through your very eloqouent responses. Oh and in case you didnt realize, I posted both responses because they state the exact opposite. :notsure:


ok yeah think wat u like, i noe wat i noe about fish and u can think wat u want, at the end of they day i dont care wat ppl say cause its my fish, if i wanna put it in a small tank its up to me and if it dies its my problem not urs, i guess i was jus tryin to create some peace before thats why i said i didnt want to come across as someone who dosnt care, truth is i care only to a certain extent. but ur for information, ud be surprised how much i do noe about fish, sometimes i surprise myself.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by rad
Its nice to see someone going outside the box who isnt afraid to speak up.
when you say "going outside the box".. do mean you like him because he said what you wanted to hear.. i don't know if you know this.. but the term "go outside the box", means be creative.. do you consider wrong outside the box? if so then i guess what you said makes sense.. if you think being wrong is creative..
its obvious you only listen to what you want to hear.. considering everybody told you no.. and when somebody said yes you thanked them and said they were going outside the box..
and Grumpygills.. just so you know.. the scopas will be fine, the humu will be fine, but the porc wil get way to big, and the panther will get WAY to big.. over 20 inches..


Originally Posted by camillo
lol i cant believe wat ive created in this thread. ppl are saying they dont intend to "flame" anyone. but it is very clear thats wat there doing.
If you feel that I have flamed you, I apologize.
Originally Posted by camillo
all of us who have overcrowded tanks are using this site for the same reasons as others, to learn and seek advice from others,

Like someone already pointed out, if you were truly interested in learning from others on the board, you would not be posting threads like this, where you are clearly seeking some justification for your irresponsible reef and/or fish-keeping.
Originally Posted by camillo
but it jus pees me off to see ppl who think they are some how superior because they loove there fish soo much and cant stand to hurt the poor things feelings.

Since I can't speak for others, I will speak for myself. I am in no way superior or better than you. I am not worried about "hurting" my fishes "feelings." I am, however, determined to be a responsible reef- and fish-keeper, and I consider all of my animals, from my cats to my fish, to be a part of my family that I would like to enjoy for many, many years. That said, I take care to make sure that I provide the best environment for them as possible.
Originally Posted by camillo

i set up my aquarium for my benifit, because i like looking at fish, and i pay for my fish, my fish dont pay me to look after them. i wouldnt go as far as saying fish are products, but they are my property, and as long as there alive and look good, in my oponion they are healthy,

Obviously you and I will disagree to a point, but that's the beauty of being an individual...
Originally Posted by camillo

who cares about happy,
I do

Originally Posted by camillo
im not happy in my small house, but noones gonna buy me a bigger one.

It's not up to somone to buy you a bigger house. It is up to you to take care of yourself. Fish, however, can't take care of themselves in the home aquarium, so it is up to their keepers to take pride in their care of them.
Originally Posted by camillo
as for the person who said, its ppl like me who shouldnt be taking care of any living thing, from humans to fish, u have completly lost it, if u wanna compare looking after a fish to raisng children and loving a family ur a complete fool,

Rule number one in a good debate: Never call people names. If you do, you lose

Originally Posted by camillo

and i think u were the same person who said a baby and a fish should be cared for equally, so i say dis to u, if u really want to do the best thing by ur fish through them in the ocean were they belong, im pretty sure god didnt create fish to be housed in an aquarium.

This come-back seems to be your life-line in this thread. However, all of the fish I have in my aquarium are aqua-cultured. Granted, their "great-great-great grandmother" may have come from the ocean, but my fish have never known the ocean, and again, I provide them with the best environment that I can


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
when you say "going outside the box".. do mean you like him because he said what you wanted to hear.. i don't know if you know this.. but the term "go outside the box", means be creative.. do you consider wrong outside the box? if so then i guess what you said makes sense.. if you think being wrong is creative..
its obvious you only listen to what you want to hear.. considering everybody told you no.. and when somebody said yes you thanked them and said they were going outside the box..
and Grumpygills.. just so you know.. the scopas will be fine, the humu will be fine, but the porc wil get way to big, and the panther will get WAY to big.. over 20 inches..
As long as he can turn around, it is ok......just joking! Most will go to the big leagues when it is time.