few more pics of the new 180 and new fish!


Active Member
snapped a few pics today the tanks doing great so far everything is running except my calcium reactor im guna wait till this weekend to do that cuz i just wanna make sure it works right .... but the closed loop system is great and i have lots of flow through the tank
anyways i got a school of blue eyed anthias.... 4 females and one male
what u guys think?
next im guna get some kind of wrasse
then let the tank settle for a few months and start gettin into the acros more and gettin rid of my colt coral which as u can see is everywhere lol
the new fish seem to be doing great they are eating well and are out schooling around.... and i was kinda worried my lion might look at them since the females are small but nothin at all :joy:



Sweet tank Murph.......starting to look goooddddddddd......Can't wait until u fill that tank?
Good work.......
, the system looks great


Active Member
A fairy wrasse would fit in nice with the fish you have.They are Squamipinnis anthias AKA lyretails.Tank looks awesome.


That really looks nice. The anthias are beautiful! Haven't seen those before, I'll have to keep them in mind for when our tank is ready for livestock. I like schooling fish, but the Chromis are too pale for my liking and they're the usual schooling stock I see.
BTW - if you ever want to frag that Colt Coral, let me know! It's really impressive looking. Saw one in the LFS last week that was no where near as nicely colored as yours.


Super nice tank!!!! Love the tank setup. Looks nice and clean. I like the LR set up. Great aquascaping. Looks really natural.


Active Member
guna add probably anotehr 50lbs soon that rock came from my once 100gallon reef but i actually like the look of it being more open then totally rocked up
like watchin the fish swim around plus im guna do mainly sps so i want them to have some room in there to form some big colonies :happyfish


what lighting set up are you using looks terific and I agree with the open look too but only my opinion. great job. wish you lived close so I could see it in person. I'm jealous and by the way how long has it taken you to acheive such great looking tank?


Active Member
divetroop.... yes im lookin to sell off 2 of the colt corals....
started as one small one then spred across different rocks so id like to get rid of them so i can do more sps save some room but i wanna keep one of them.... letme know if ur interested
joe123.... i just started this tank last weekend ... took me 3 months to get all the stuff i wanted for this tank from researching online.... but i had a 100 gallon tank running for 3 years that i moved over into this tank last weekend so this tank has my 100 gallon stuff in it... thanks for the nice comments


Active Member
whats ur email lol
mines murph145"at"aol.com
ive got those three so let me know they are on big pieces of LR so im guna have to probably break the LR or charge a lil more for the LR too its up to you cuz each piece is like a 5-10lbs rock
i live in simi valley which is right on the boirder of LA and Ventura off the 118fwy


Active Member
thanks alot!
im surprised the rocks looked so good i just basically threw them in from my 100 then moved them around just a lil and they actually look pretty nice i dont wanna add much more


murph, i noticed you only have 2 MH pendants, i was looking to do a retro fit on my 125, so since 2 pendants is what you have on your 180 do you think i could do 2 on my 125 or would 3 be reccomended?


Active Member
people say i should have 3 for sps but im tryin to stay with 2 it seems like pleanty of light im guna try to keep the sps more towards the center and some lower light ones towards the edges like montiporas and such....
id say go with 2 if u think ur power bill can handle three then go that route but deff ull need a chiller...
ive got a chiller on with just 2 of them.... it kicks on after about 6 hours
the few acros i have in there now seem to be doing fine and same with the clams.... im guna keep my lps and softies towards the edges too when i get more sps goin