few shots of my 44 corner(tall)


Active Member
I just wanted to throw some pics up.
Some of these have been posted to threads recently, but still wanted to put them together!
My camera is a little sony cybershot and it sucks. So please excuse the 'lack of crispness' on some of these.



Active Member
those pics look awsome to me

i was wondering how your Dendros were doing, they look

and i love that gorgonian to ...


Active Member
I do have a full tank but its kinda outdated Ill take another tomorrow cause the lights are off now.

Thanks for the replies guys.


That looks really nice. Thanx for sharing. I have a question what type of live sand did you use and what the size for that because I saw in one of your picture that you have diamond goby and I heard that you have to have a sand that a goby can pass from the gill. And I'm looking for a sand that I could use for my 125g tank when I set-up it.
Thanx for your help


Active Member
Yeah, sweet pics. I like your style!
Has that tube anemone 86'd any fishies yet? One of my tanks, 54 corner, has 18 of them. I only keep tubes in there, but lots of different kinds. I love em! I had a bunch of damsels in there. One by one, they found their way to the tubes.... lol.... Poor little guys.... Now, I just toss in some ghost shrimp and guppies and watch the carnage. Well, there's not much carnage, but we make our own sound effects... Anyway, yeah, nice tank!


Active Member
The Sand:
Im really not sure what kind of sand 'crushed aragonite' maybe? Its not super fine and has a few peices of crushed coral here and there, but mostly a fine sand. the goby has no problem with it at all, he routinely excavates the sand to big piles and large cavernous holes just for fun, he is adorable.
Tube Worm:
I just got the tube anemone about 2 weeks ago or so, he has not claimed anything in the tank yet. The only fishes are the goby (4"), mandarin (4"), and the dwaf fuzzy (4"). Although Im sure he could eat the mandarin if he wanted, I feed the anemone DAILY a chunk of whatever I feed the dendros. I think keeping him fed helps? I dont know if they are that advanced (mentally) though
. lol. We shall see. If he eats my mandarin I will cry. The fishes dont mess with the corals much, and usually keep a inch distance or so. Hopefully there wont be any casualties.

Thanks for all the positive remarks guys..
Im up for suggestions too if anyopne disapproves of something.



Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkiller
Yeah, that orange gorgonian is too big for your tank. You can send it me!

the gorg is actually only about 5" tall HAHA. The way the pic was taken it looks monstrous... you know how they say you put on weight on camera.. same thing.

If it grows some more in the next few months Ill chop some off for you guys. Its a great specimen and allways looks that way, day and night! Its amazing. I guess I got lucky... Oh yeah, it was $6.00

Thanks again for all the nice comments guys.


New Member
What is in the center of the first pic?
I know that it's some type of anemone, but I can't seem to find it for sale on this site,
My roommate had one and I would like to get one after I get my tank going
Nice tank, BTW!


Active Member
Too cool. My son and I were checking out the inverts for sale on this site and fell in love with the pom pom crab. How long have you had it and what special needs do they have? Did it come with the anemones?