Fighting False Percs.


I have a 10 gallon comunity tank. I purchased an ocellaris about 5 weeks ago and "he" (I think) diid well but never aproched the sebae nem so I picked up one this weekend that was hosting a sebae nem at the LPS and "she" is much larger and hosted my sebae the third day (today). things seemed well untill "she began to attack my smaller clown. I'm not sure if this is normal or should I be concerned. they are both equaly involved in the altercation. they both fight. it;s not just one being a bully. I dont know what I should do.
Attachment 214292


Active Member
maybe let em fight it out, they're prolly trying to establish dominance, and will hopefully eventually mate up, its just gonna get brutal for a while while they are establishing who's in charge LOL


Active Member
dude, to be perfectly honest, i have no actual experience, just a ton of research, but, ive read that they do exactly what urs are doing when they're trying to pair up, basically, they're tryin to figure out who's gonna be the female, the butch, an who's gonna be the male, the biatch LOL
im hopin someone else who's got more experience, since i have none :p no tank as of yet for me LOL will chime in an help us both out,cause i wanna know too LOL


Active Member
they look like they are the same size and yes it is common. I am pretty sure the one that "wins" will become the female and the more dominant one in the pair. Its usually best to buy one smaller than the other. With my true percs the larger one does chase the smaller one around usually but never hurts it. and the smaller one always backs down. If it really gets serious maybe try to divide them but they should work it out.


First off the tank is kind of small. I have experience pairing or shall I say trying to pair a maroon. It was disasterous, ended in death of the smaller fish. Is the smaller showing submissive behavior? Laying on it's side quivering? You have to monitor the agression and intervine if one is getting too beat up. Is there a place for the smaller one to hide. If not make a spot that the smaller one can retreat to if it needs to.


Ok. yea that picture dosnt do the one on the left justice. it is about 3/4 inch longer and about 1/3 bigger in size. also "She" is lighter in color but both have almost identical markings. every time I go to type in that they have calmed down, I turn around and the Bigger one is after the other one. so they go at it for a minute then stop. Pairing up? I hope so. thanks.


Originally Posted by Kevin34
they look like they are the same size and yes it is common. I am pretty sure the one that "wins" will become the female and the more dominant one in the pair. Its usually best to buy one smaller than the other. With my true percs the larger one does chase the smaller one around usually but never hurts it. and the smaller one always backs down. If it really gets serious maybe try to divide them but they should work it out.
You are right except that they can damage each other, though percs are not usually very agressive fish they can be very agressive when hosting.


The smaller one will lay down and quiver for a second but it gets back up an fights just as hard. both get good hits in but only one submits.


not really there are some crevases but nothing the larger one cant get into. he is now laying down in the corner where the pic was taken and the larger one is on the other side. what would be a way to set something up for him?


This is hard to watch isn't it? tomorrow I will be picking up a black and white ocellaris to pair up w/my onyx. There will be no fighting I hope because they are both very young. You never answered if the smaller fish has a place to hide.


Do you have any extra rocks, you could build a small cave. Make sure it is stable so it dosen't get crushed. A broken flower pot would work if you sterlize it first.


no there isnt a place the the larger one cant get. but he doesn't seen to betrying to get away. he tried to get in the nem earlier with the larger one to no avail. could that have sponed this?


Yes, looks like the big one has claimed the anemone.
He may not be trying because there is no place to go. If it had somewhere to go I think it would hide.


yea i just interupted them for a minute and put the bigger one in a temperary tank inside my tank to mabe calm them down. it seemes to have worked. she is back in her anemone. thanks for all the help.


Thanks for replying, I was very worried. I am glad you seperated them. At least the little guy can get a break. Post updates, will be looking for them.


I have one of those critter cages that will fit in my tank ahould i put one of them in it overnight? if so which one.