Film across the top of the water!!!


Hello! I have a film (kinda clear) across the top of the water. I dont know what it is or what it consist of. If anyone has any idea, please let me know. Thanks!!!
The powerhead current is hitting the top of the water to show the film.
what kind of overflow do you have, and are you using charcoal, and did you cook something greasy in the house, or did somebody spray something, just a few ?????
love those shrimpies, how long have you had that powder blue ???


Ok. No. I havent cooked in a few months! LOL (I eat out a little too often. I do not spray anything around the house because I have birds. And I'm using an ordinary overflow box.
As of the powder blue tang... I just got it 9 days ago. I know it's a little skinny. But I finally got him to eat about two days ago. So...I hope he does well.
By the way, now that you mentioned the shrimps...Why is it that they stay on that rock 24/7? They didn't use to. I noticed that one of them had eggs on the bottom of her tail thingys. one day they disapeared and now they stay on that rock. I cannot see any eggs attached to that rock and it has been at least two weeks since the eggs disapeared.
Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
i have a pair also, they usualy like looking around for a spot after mapping out the tank, then they seem to find the best spot a stay for a wile, they will move, but at least for now they are out in front and not behind the rocks. Mine were behind the rocks, several places before they finally found a spot on top area of my tank
what's return volume, seems like you don't have enough flowing out fast or a small overflow box.
Originally Posted by cpbirds407
ha! I thuink it's the overflow box. Would it hurt the life in the tank?
no, but it will hurt your brain stressing about it
,lol, i hated that when i had my 65 gal hex's
As others will say you need more surface agitation.
When my tank gets that oily film I skim it out with a Tupperware bowl. I let the water flow over the rim of the bowl at a good rate and throw the water out. After doing it a couple times a day for a couple of days it usually goes away.
Nice tank though.


Active Member
i had that for awhile. mine was dust cause i like in boulder creek so there is tons of dust in the summer cause of dirtbiking and 4 wheeling behind my house and i kept my windows open. but it never hurt anything


a powerhead directed at the surface and a good skimmer should take care of that.
I had a geasy film on my tank and the power head thing didn't work for me. I got ride of it easily using the Tupperware meathod. I think you get about half the stuff out with the water going over the edge of the bowl and the other half sticks to the outside of the bowl when you push it in and pull it back out of the water, so wash off the bowl each time. I actually used one of those flat ziplock containers.


Active Member
i had a wicked case of that surface scum. i have 2ph, but i have them in the water, not along the surface.
the only surface agg i had was the output of my fluval 305.
i purchased one of the surface skimmer intakes for it, and have not seen any scum since.


Thanks guys! Very helpful... but I still don't know what causes it. LOL Well I guess it doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt anyone.
Well, I'm gonna try the tupperware thing and hopefully... we'll see! At least it sounds like a genious idea.

salt monger

F.y.i. I Use The Surface Skimmer Method On An Auxillary H.o.b. Filter, Just Be Cautioned That Thos Surface Skimmers Greatly Reduce The Flow.... I Guess They're Just Restrictive...


Originally Posted by ophiura
Do you have a protein skimmer?
Your protein skimmer isn't working as well as it needs to. That film is protein.
Surface agitation will disguise it but not get rid of it.
If I were you, I might think ot upgrade.
BTW, what kind of skimmer do you have now?


Originally Posted by cpbirds407
Thanks guys! Very helpful... but I still don't know what causes it.
Lemme see what I remember... I'll look it up for you later but, it's an in between stage of decomposion between ammonia and nitrate. The "protein" molecule is half attracted to air and half attracted to water, which is why it floats, and why so many protein skimmers use air bubbles to function. You can syphon it out, you can tupperware remove it, but it will always come back.
A good efficient skimmer will keep it at bay for you, and if your skimmer is "rated" for more gallons than you have, it either isn't working, of it's bad quality or they flat out lied about it's rating.


I aswell have this firlm on the right corner half of my tank. I have a 90g with a Das-x1 skimmer(amazing skimmer rated for a 125g) and 2 hydro koralia's 4's. Everything is in proper working order. Its also an internal overflow, what I think is happening is that corner for some reason isnt getting the flow to get the film into my overflow. Anyone know why?