Film on top of water


I've noticed a film on the top of my water. I've been battling a cyanobacteria problem that i can't seem to get rid of. I've started feeding every other day and it helped for a few weeks but the cyano has returned. I have a 46 gal tank with emperror 400 filter, skimmer, 2 Koralia 2's. What is this film? It looks like like it's cyano.
Surface flow will push it around but it sounds more like you are not getting enough overflow. No it is not cyano on top of the water.
try more surface agitation and surface skimmer. I get a film every once in a while too. I don't know what it's from, but it goes away by itself after a week or two.


I was told the scum is a build up of protien. If what I have been told is true then water changes and a good skimmer should help. Also keep the surface moving add another power head or redirect one you already have to agitate the water surface. You have a cyano problem and a build up of protien on your water surface it sounds like you have a nutrient problem. Could be caused by overfeeding or lack of filtration and defiately a lack of water movement. How much live rock and how deep of a sand bed do you have is it sand or crushed coral and what is your stock list? What do you feed and how much?