Film on water


Originally Posted by jackri
Just me... but I would think about putting cheato in place of bio balls (if that's the type of sump your getting). Cheato loves extra nutrients and doesn't become a build up for nitrates after awhile -- plus I like the natural control of things as much as possible. Just my .02 on that part though.
LOL, I just looked it up to make sure I knew what you were talking about.
Do you just leave it in there, and never do anything with it?


Active Member
Just have a cheap 15 dollar plant light on it for 10-12 hours a day... might want to thin it out every so often as it'll grow --- great to give to friends with tanks. I need to thin mine back.. but waiting for my frag tank to get going and half will go in that sump :D
Great thing about cheato is it won't take over a tank if it gets into your DT doesn't root in and just scoop it out --- caulerpa is a macro algae but can be a pain to get rid of...roots in -- had some hitch hike off a piece of LR and pulling little pieces out with a tweezers sucks. Think I finally got it all but yucky stuff if you ask me.


Active Member
You can.. my yellow tang tears it up.. only problem is that it really doesn't digest that great... and you get these stringy poops -- so I quit giving that to my tang and just use the nori sheets.