Filter Size


Is an Emperor 400 (says up to a 90 gal tank) to much for a 40?? I have one friend who said double your filter aka if you have a 40 Gallon Salt, get a strong filter and another friend is saying "Its to much power..."
Just curious of the thoughts here


Thank God, I had already bought it lol! I also have a Hydor Kor 2 in it as well so I got decent flow I am guessing :)


Originally Posted by Jeff10
Thank God, I had already bought it lol! I also have a Hydor Kor 2 in it as well so I got decent flow I am guessing :)
The 2s are pretty weak. The gph that you get on box is in the ideal conditions. With a bit of algea, or coralline on it, the flow will be reduced. If you want to go with 2, I would get two more, otherwise I feel like you will have some dead spots.


Ohh, it says 600 gph with good flow and with the 400 gph from the pump I figure its good to go. I dont have a Reef tank, just a FO tank


Good Choice. But i would not recommend putting in the Bio Wheels that came with it, Eventually it will just be a nitrate factory.


Wow, I did not know that about the Bio Wheels. Do you double the filter with the added "things" lol they have in the box?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blenny
Good Choice. But i would not recommend putting in the Bio Wheels that came with it, Eventually it will just be a nitrate factory.
Of course, use the bio-wheels.
Anything that cultures aerobic bacteria to eliminate ammonia is a nitrate factory---even LR. Bio-wheels are (IMO) great at eliminating ammonia, but will do nothing to decrease nitrate levels. Eliminating nitrate is a separate process that can't be done by any type of power filter. A given amount of ammonia will result in a given amount of nitrate; without enough LR, a fuge, etc., the nitrate can be kept under control with good filter maintenance and regular water changes. This assumes a fish-only tank. For coral and other inverts, you'll need the LR/fuge. Fish can handle a much higher nitrate level than inverts.


Active Member
Doesn't the filter come with instructions, or was it used? The bio-wheels are what the water spins through just before it returns to the tank. If you're still lost, check with Emperor tech-support. I'm not picking on you; but SW fishkeeping requires real attention to details. I think reading a good book on the subject might be a good next step. maybe Bob Fenner's "The Conscience Marine Aquarist. Do research, continue to ask questions, and go very'll be addicted soon!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jeff10
Wow, I did not know that about the Bio Wheels. Do you double the filter with the added "things" lol they have in the box?
Doesn't the filter come with instructions, or was it used? The bio-wheels are what the water spins through just before it returns to the tank. If you're still lost, check with Emperor tech-support. I'm not picking on you; but SW fishkeeping requires real attention to details. I think reading a good book on the subject might be a good next step. maybe Bob Fenner's "The Conscience Marine Aquarist. Do research, continue to ask questions, and go very'll be addicted soon!


(quote thing is messing up)
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Doesn't the filter come with instructions, or was it used? The bio-wheels are what the water spins through just before it returns to the tank. If you're still lost, check with Emperor tech-support. I'm not picking on you; but SW fishkeeping requires real attention to details. I think reading a good book on the subject might be a good next step. maybe Bob Fenner's "The Conscience Marine Aquarist. Do research, continue to ask questions, and go very'll be addicted soon!
Thank you for the offer, and I am addicted hehe :)
But I am aware what they bio wheels do, but when someone posted they took theirs out because it creates Nitrate leves, this information I was unaware of and wanted to investigate further. Someone else posted refuting the post about the nitrate levels. My question was about the bio wheels (which someone did answer).
As far as the extra filter cases, I was curious if people use them as well as the ready made filters for the Emperor 400 as well. You have to go buy the carbon from your LFS but that is not a problem, I was curious if people ran the filters and the filter cases filled with the carbon.


if we run a HOB, we typically ditch the media that comes with the filter and fill it w/LR rubble, then place a bag of carbon or chemi-pure on top of the rubble.


How long do you all keep a fitler media in your filter, just curious? I have the Emp 400, just curious with a FO tank or what goes into that?


I have a similar filter to yours on my 29G.....I use the filter media bag with carbon...2 of them....I change one every other week with water changes


Active Member
I change Chemi-Pure every 4-6 months; depending on the tank. I think this is the mfg's recommendation; and they tend to want to have you change more than necessary. I've used tis stuff for many years and have no reason to think this isn't often enough. But, I have large tanks, there are so many variables to your question that a "one size fits all" answer isn't possible.