Filtration question?


I currently have a HOB Emperor 400 filter on my 90G tank and I am wondering if that is good enough or if I should upgrade to a canister filter or something else? My LFS basically said that the HOB Emp400 would work just as well as the canister would...any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


According to the info on the box it had it at 90G...ive always used a step higher on my freshwater tanks...getting a 30G filtration system for a 20G etc...thinking about getting a canister or something else but im not sure?


IMO for sw you need a LOT more.....on my 29G I have s filter for a 60...on my 54G I have a filter for a 100....and on my 225G...LOL...I have a wet/dry for a 300, and 2 canisters for 100G's each for flow only..
Any possibility of you getting a wet/dry?


I've thought about it but no way to drill holes etc...and to be honest I am not much of a handyman (yes the other half gets by bc I normally figure things out
) a sump would be a bit too much at the moment. Any easy to instal wet/drys that would work well for my setup? Sounds like I would need an overflow box etc...


Yeah...LOL..I have an EASY one..I AM NOT a DIY person....go to sealifesystemsproseries
They come with everything but the return pump and they tell you exactly what you need to get
Comes with overflow and everything....I converted mine to a refugium...LOL...if I could do it...ANYONE can


I suppose with an overflow box and the wet/dry system, pump and all I would easily be looking at around $300 at the low end I would imagine? I was hoping to get into something decent for at most $300 but I guess nothing in this hobby is cheap right? I guess I will just need to talk to my LFS and see what they say but I do know they charge a bit more for items then what I can pick up off of the net by far. Heck the airwaterice RO/DI unit was a little over $200 for the Typhoon III 5 stage system when the LFS would charge $300+ easily...nice markup for sure! Sooo I can just imagine what they would do for the wet/dry system
. I guess I was just looking for a complete all in one package with sump, overflow, pump and correct hookups...ah well..


Well the wet/dry I told you to look at does come with everything ....except return pump...It comes with the overflow, and all the hoses....Except I replaced them with heavier duty hoses..+ a protein skimmer


Yes I saw that but there are no prices or a way to order online at all so I would imagine they only deal with people over the phone? Any idea on the cost associated with the setup?


The guy I got mine from has the Pro150 listed for $350. I think that would be the one you would need. I paid $450 for the Pro300, and then another $100 or so for the mag18
I would shop around and see who else sells these....


Im using the Bak-Pak 2 skimmer and that seems to work fine so far...I know the crap coming out looks...well like the crap that would be typical for a simmer...
So far with my HOB my readings are good for water, the water clarity is pretty clear...unless my goby decides to go nuts with the sand. I am just worried as I stock more things and increase my feedings I will need to get into something a bit more powerful or as I should say effecient. I can see myself spending 500-600 on the wet/dry system with the in the sump protein skimmer...that of course I should have invested in initially but my LFS said that the HOB and the BP2 skimmer should work fine at.
I am just planning on adding in soft corals and community fish so nothing heavy duty per say here...with the live rock at 90+ibs and a good 80+ ibs of live sand they basically said that will do most of the filtration that i would ever need and that the active carbon with the bio wheels should take care of the rest etc...
so again looking for other advice here to see what my options would be if I moved into something else...


HMMM..I thought you needed a skimmer too....See it was a great buy for me cause I needed a skimmer, and since this was for my 225G...the skimmers were VERY expensive


Yah for you I can see the good buy you got for the 225g...way out of my budget but im a happy camper with my 90 so far. The 400-500 range you spent is almost a steal with the skimmer and all!


Originally Posted by GeckoXp
Yah for you I can see the good buy you got for the 225g...way out of my budget but im a happy camper with my 90 so far. The 400-500 range you spent is almost a steal with the skimmer and all!
That's what I the skimmer is incredible too....
Good luck with what you decide to get.


Check the big reef site for sales as well as cl and your local club. There are alot of reefers in NY. Save alot of money buying used.