Finally caught Mystery Crab! Now what is it??


Mystery Crab here has been living in my tank for well over a year. Now and then I would see him munching on a rock with zoos (not sure if he was actually eating the zoos though), but he would dart back into his cave once I got too close.
Last night I finally caught him
In the process, I pulled off one claw, and he left the other behind clinging to a rock
Anyway, now I need to know what he is and if I just removed a perfectly safe critter from my tank.



Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
No idea as to what it is but good job on the removal, looks pretty beastly

OMG it has red beady eyes too

Looks like a good sump/fuge critter
The claws should grow back in a molt


Pointed black tipped claws and red eyes = BAD CRAB!
I think it's a form of Xanthid Crab. They are the most common bad hitchhiker.
He should be banished to the sump.
The claws should grow back with next molt as Meowzer stated.


Thanks! Would he have adequate food in the sump? Or should he be in the refugium instead (of course then probably eating all my baby pods and snails...)? I don't want him to die if I can avoid it.
I wonder if he's the reason my mandarin disappeared abruptly. I had the mandarin over a year and a half and it was very healthy (fat and constantly finding pods -- lone fish in established 75g with lots of live rock, pods, etc).


i have a few in my sump. I feed mine and they have gotten used to me. When i open the door to the stand the come right to me.


Originally Posted by evilmantis
Thanks! Would he have adequate food in the sump? Or should he be in the refugium instead (of course then probably eating all my baby pods and snails...)? I don't want him to die if I can avoid it.
I wonder if he's the reason my mandarin disappeared abruptly. I had the mandarin over a year and a half and it was very healthy (fat and constantly finding pods -- lone fish in established 75g with lots of live rock, pods, etc).

More than likely, he ate your mandarin. I had one eat a TON of my fish and he wasn't even as big as yours. You can spot feed him in the sump. I would not put him in a refugium, it'll defeat the purpose of having one at that point. He doesn't need like, so banish him to the sump, he'll keep it clean and if it makes you feel better, spot feed him. When you feed your fish, enough left over should make its way to the sump that you shouldn't have to worry about him starving, BUT, do not put him back in your tank.