Finally Earn The Mated Pair Title! Eggs

rod buehle

Originally Posted by chasar
I transfered the eggs tonight. They are in the 10 gal tank and I have the air stone under the heater. I have the heater and stone on the back wall of the tank and the part of the LR with the eggs is in the front, does this make a difference? I usually had the srone closer to the eggs for agitation.

If you can use 2 stones, it will be helpful If not, I would make sure that I had the air over the eggs instead of the heater


OK, I will use two stones. I was not sure if that wold be too much for them or not. I went to get rotifers today and they had not been dropped off. I should be able to get them tomorrow, I am actually hoping that the eggs do not hatch tonight because I do not have the rotifers to put in the tank tonight. I may wait to put an air stone by the eggs until tomorrow in hopes that they do not hatch tonight.


Another lesson learned. Most of the eggs have turned cloudy and some fell to the bottom of the tank. I am pretty sure that most are not going to hatch. I am thinking that the cloudy eggs means they have died. I do have some that will hatch tonight. I put a second air stone in by the eggs today as I think this is the reason for the dead eggs. I picked up rotifers today and have some in the tank now. I said this would be a learning process, I am trying to stay positive and learn from my mistakes. I know there will be more chances, and after the holidays, more time to dedicate to raising. Always learning.


Well it looks like the eggs that are going to hatch have. I have a dozen or so fry in the tank. I will wait one more night to see if we get any more fry hatched and then I will take the LR out of the rearing tank. I am going to then do a water change. I will keep the fry in the 10 gal until I need to open it up for the next batch. Transfering from one tank to anyother is a scare to me, I will prolong it until neccesary. Hope that everyones holiday was safe ans warm.

rod buehle

Without the airflow from the bubbles playing the role as surrogate father, the eggs will quickly fungus over as you have now seen. An airstone under the heater is helpful but its very important to have the flow over the eggs.
I have (3) 5 gallon tanks with fry right now. The first was a small hatch and 30ish clowns have made it through meta, tank 2 is now going through meta and there are 200-300 clowns all doing well ( but we will see what metamorphosis will do) and the 3rd tank also has 200-300 3 day old babies. They will all stay in their 5 gallon tanks until I have them eating frozen and then they will go into something larger with a wet/dry.


It looks like all of the eggs are off the LR in the 10 gal. I will put the LR back into the DT tonight and syphon the bottom of the 10 gal and do a 100 % water change. This is where I get stumped. I have to do a water change in the 10 gal and will remove the fry, so I want to put them in the 3 gal so the rotifers will be more plentiful and easier for the fry to eat. My fear is the transfer will harm the fry, but transfering will be very similar to a 100% water change. What do I do?

rod buehle

It would probably be easier to hatch the next batch in the 3 gallon. Leave this batch in the 10 with little water and hope for the best with this batch and better with the next..
If you want to move them, I guess I would do a water change in the 10 before moving them, and them scoop them up with a small cup with their new water and transfer them to the 3 that way


I am going to keeppt hem in the 10. I can not hatch in the 3 because the LR that they are laying eggs on is too large. I am crossing my fingers that they take to the tiles or flower pot.
Rod, could you descibe exactly how you do your water changes in the rearing tanks? And also what do you use to vaccum the bottom of the tank? Thanks


I am following along, just had my first spawn 6 days ago. I am trying to learn as much as I can about raising the fry before I acutually try. I have ordered Joyce Wilkerson's book and am collecting supplies slowly, maybe I will try with the next batch of eggs. I am so excited by reading this thread, Keep it going, lerning so much from your experiences, thanks for sharing.
I have a 2 1/2 and to clean the bottom a turkey baster works very well.


Lmecher thanks for following and good luck. I hope that people will learn from my mistakes.
I did use a turkey baster for the bottom, but I also used extra tubing for the air stones and syphoned the bottom. This worked very well for me, and was not a disturbance for the fry. I drained the water using the syphon and left about one inch in the bottom of the tank. I then added water from my DT until I had about three inches in the tank. I can see that there are 12-15 fry in the tank now that the LR is gone and tank is empty.

rod buehle

Originally Posted by chasar
I am going to keeppt hem in the 10. I can not hatch in the 3 because the LR that they are laying eggs on is too large. I am crossing my fingers that they take to the tiles or flower pot.
Rod, could you descibe exactly how you do your water changes in the rearing tanks? And also what do you use to vaccum the bottom of the tank? Thanks
Hopefully soon I can give a detailed post, but it would probably be wiser for me to document everything in one place like on my own site, or maybe another forum that I actually sponsor. Or hopefully you can make the trip after the holidays. a 2.5 hour trip (1.5 driving round trip, and an hr visit) could provide 10X the info that I could type in those 2.5 hrs. I completely understand not making the trip though.. Hopefully I can find some time soon...


I have a good ten or so fry in the tank and will start the brine shrimp tonight so that I can feed tomorrow night. I know now that I am to continue feeding rotifers along wiht the brine. I am uncertain of what comes after the brine stage. I believe it is frazen cyclopeze? Lets hope that I can get that far.
Rod, I completely undertand you not having time to type in detail. I am grateful for you keeping up on my thread and giving advise. It is very generous of you to offer for me to come se first hand and I can't wait until I get the time, soon I hope. Until then I will learn as I go. i am happy with where I have gotten thus far being only my third batch.


Fourth batch of eggs was laid last night. Brine feeding started last night for the fry. All is going well so far. I will try and get a good pic when the lights go on.


Congratulations, on the eggs.

Can't wait to see pics of your clown fry, when they a big enough to photograph.


Originally Posted by dustyboy316
so have you succesfully had any babies yet?
And what exactly is "fry" the name of the baby clowns?
I have only reached the two week mark with raising any of the fry. I had one from my first batch live until two weeks old. second batch all died. Third batch I have ten or so that are just two days into Baby Brine. The pics are of the fourth batch of eggs.